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How to use Copilot Agents in SharePoint [All You Need To Know]
The creation of Copilot Agent is now enabled in SharePoint 🚀. Users holding M365 Copilot licenses will notice a new Copilot feature in the Suite Navigation bar, tailored to the site they are currently viewing. Additionally, they will find options to create Copilot agents from the 'New' menu on the homepage and within their document libraries. These features are accessible only to users with existing creation and editing rights on the site or document library. Moreover, they have the option to share a Copilot agent link with other users, who, if they possess a Microsoft 365 Copilot license, will be able to interact with it. #SharePoint #MicrosoftSharePoint #Microsoft365 #MPVbuzz #Copilot #AI1View0likes0CommentsOn-prem shared mailbox access
We're migrating from on-prem to MS365 and working on test users. First issue we are looking for is shared access mailboxes. How can the users maintain access to shared mailbox even if his mailbox and the shared one are on different platform? When we moved the user's mailbox online, and the shared mailbox still on-prem, he loses access to it. ThanksStefanoC66Nov 13, 2024Brass Contributor3Views0likes0CommentsOutlook: Adding Gmail Acct. Error: "We couldn't log on to the incoming (POP/IMAP) server...
Running Office 365 Outlook on a Lenovo laptop and Windows 11. Hey All, I have successfully installed multiple Gmail accounts to Outlook on two different personal computers [Computer#1 (C#1) and Computer#2 (C#2)]. I am trying to install Gmail account #3 (GM#3) on my new computer (C#2) but failing. It is already installed on C#1. As a test, I just uninstalled and reinstalled on C#1 without a problem. Both computers are Lenovo laptops. I have tried the advanced options "set up my account manually", including both Gmail the and IMAP options with the same result: I get the Error Message: "We couldn't log on to the incoming (POP/IMAP) server. Please check your email address and password to try again." The troubleshooter says "Outlook desktop (MAPI) is disabled for this user's mailbox." (My little bit of research into gmail indicates that MAPI does not support MAPI.) Where I think the trouble started: In the process of installing GML#3 on C#2, I flubbed up. I had a Chrome window open under a GM#2 account and during the installation I opened a Chrome window logged into GM#3. I think (but am not positive) the Chrome's Outlook verification procedure seemed to start in the GM#2 Chrome window and finish in theGM#3 chrome window, but it was not successful in Outlook. Most solutions I have found involve deleting the account from Outlook and starting over. However, the GM#3 account has not been installed in outlook so there is no account to delete. Each time I go to install GM#3, it searches for accounts and provides GM#3 as an email address for me to select. Either automatically or manually, it does not prompt me for a password and there is nowhere I can find to confirm the password is properly entered or change it. Because Outlook seems to be holding on to information about the account and password, I conclude it has some information on GM#3 in cache or somewhere in the system. I did a complete delete of all the local Outlook cache (the process I followed indicated this would not delete information that has already been moved to the server--appended to the end of this message). On C#2, I have also deleted all the email accounts and the Outlook profile and reinstalled them but it still seems to hold onto the GM#3 email address and I assume the password (since it never prompts me for the password). As near as I can tell the settings for the GM#3 account on the corresponding Google Chrome account are the same on C#1 and C#2 -- but I have not checked every single one of them (checked "Labels" and "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" settings) Grateful for any solutions/clues/thoughts! Jim INSTRUCTIONS I FOLLOWED TO CLEAR THE LOCAL CACHE Exit Outlook and Skype for Business. From theStartmenu, chooseRun. In the Run window, type this path in the Open box "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Outlook\" ClickOK Find the .ost file and rename or delete it (you may need to Show Hidden Files and Show Extensions to see the file) Remove the following files: any .xml files, any .nst files Open the RoamCache folder and delete all items Open the HubAppFileCache folder and delete all items Open the Offline Address Books folder and delete all items Open the 16 folder and delete all items Restart OutlookJimS_57Nov 13, 2024Copper Contributor7.2KViews0likes6Comments网络赌博赢钱取款失败怎么解决,解决办法
网络虚拟无保障,所以玩家被假网黑钱的事时有发生。国内法律不允许,所以我们吃了亏多数都选择忍气吞声,最多发发牢骚骂骂娘。被黑之后网站方只要不是自愿想给你几乎是没有任何方法能拿回来的。一般来说被黑能成功拿回的可能性不足百分之五,所以我们只能尽量死马当活马医了(账户被封无法登录的就只能认命了...)。 他们这样做的目的是什么呢?他们所说的这些(借口)是否真的存在!答案是借口都是假的,这样做的目的是为了让你心灰意冷或怒气冲天,这样他们(黑你)就成功了。想出黑的一定要认准,看清出黑团队(网络骗子多)。孙大圣出黑技术部+薇 lcly479。十年出黑经验,出黑我们是认真的。 黑平台不给提款的接口如下: 账户异常登录、帐号信息有误,系统检测帐户有风险,账户存在套利、网站维护、出款端口维护,网站抽查审核、财务审核、银行系统维护、注单异常,注单审核,风控审核等等,各种维护审核借口一直拖延时间不给出。 被黑可能要回来的两大要点: 1:让网站方看出你身上的利益 2:能有一定的威胁力 : 怎么让网站方看出你身上的利益? 简单!多玩流水故意输或代理就能让网站方觉得你身上可能还存在潜力。你可以注册个代理链接去贴吧或论坛发帖帮帮你注册点空炮到你代理号帐下,注册信息都可以假,也不需要投注都行。这个我想还是有人愿意帮忙的,当然自己尽量别注册,同一IP地址注册的他们后台一眼就能看出来。同时要靠你的谈话技巧和忽悠能力装傻能力了,就算你知道他们是黑网准备黑你钱你也别捅破。要把他们信誉捧高要让他们相信你同时也要表现出自己身上大油油水可捞。还有没有希望要回基本全靠自己神奇的嘴上了。 何为威胁力?网站方的基本信息:如域名IP地址、服务器IP地址、网站注册信息等,很多反查网站几乎都可以查。又如网站方交易所用的入款银行账户、出款银行账户、微信支付宝入款账户、在线支付平台账户。有这些信息可以拿来向银行支付宝等举报这些账户用于赌博的,如果都被查实对他们也算是不小的损失,你还可以威胁网站方就算以后换账户同样会举报。一般多少还是有效果的。网站信息可以向工信部或网络违法犯罪举报网等举报,赌博网本身是贼几乎都会心虚。你也可以明确告诉网站方你的钱是公款,或你是在校学生的生活费学费等等!大家都不妨可以尽量试试,也许你是在世华佗能救活自己呢。专业出黑技术部孙大圣Nov 13, 2024Occasional Reader4Views0likes0Comments网络赌博被黑不给提款怎么解决,解决办法
孙大圣出黑咨询微:lcly479 摘要:网赌赢钱后,遭拒取款的情况不少见。本文从账户审核、账户活动、规则遵守、客服沟通四个方面,详细阐述了网赌赢钱遭拒取款的解决方法。希望能为赌客朋友提供一些有用的指导。 1、账户审核 赌客需要梳理自己的账户信息,确保所有信息都是完整、准确、真实的。如果账户审核未通过,赌客需要认真检查并提供缺失或错误的信息。或者,赌客可以联系客服为自己的审核提供帮助。 此外,赌客还需要留意账户审核的时间。如果在该赌场的审核期限内还没有收到审核结果,赌客需要主动联系客服,询问处理进度。有时候,账户审核周期过长也是赌客遭拒取款的原因。 赌客在提交账户信息时,应保留好自己的相关证件和资料。在处理审核时,有关方面可能会要求赌客提供相关证明,赌客需要及时配合。 请问网络上赌博被黑不给提款怎么办?的托词如下: 账户异常登录、帐号信息有误,系统检测帐户有风险,账户存在套利、网站维护、出款端口维护,网站抽查审核、财务审核、银行系统维护、注单异常,注单审核,风控审核等等,各种维护审核 借口一直拖延时间不给出。 请问网络上赌博被黑不给提款怎么办?原因: 第一是盈利多,一直在盈利,网站觉得你没有潜力,你没有盈利价值了;第二:有亏损,存多了同样也会黑你;第三:各种吸引客户的优惠;第四:网站跑路。 请问网络上赌博被黑不给提款怎么办?解决方法: 1.网投被黑不要和客服理论,(如果您赢得款额巨大,请一定要记住!你一直的纠缠只会导致被封号,而且客服会找各种理由拖延时间,找理由推脱) 2.网投被黑不要重复提交提款,(一次提款没有成功,就是后台管理员拒绝审核)以上1,2两点会导致封号 3.保证自己的账号能正常登陆而且账号内可以进行积分转换!然后找相关专业出黑人员,通过技术手段藏分的方式把钱提现出来!。 4.担心账号密码给了我们钱会被骗,这个证明你对游戏的规则不了解,可以去看看你的分数可不可以转走,提款可不可以提到他人账上,慢慢了解一下再来出吧! 5.现在自称出黑的人员太多了无形中就会让你变得徘徊不定犹豫不决就会导致时间浪费错过最佳出款时机。那么问题来了到底该选谁呢这一点尤为重要,那么既然你看到这里了相信你大概也都明白了!一定要找技术实力雄厚的团队,不要被那些野鸡个人给耽误了。 总结:请问网络上赌博被黑不给提款怎么办?可以第一时间咨询我们,我们可以帮你出谋划策,通过我们的技术的可以帮助你,跟我们联系早日帮你度过难关,拖得时间越久最后的下场就是账号被冻结。 2、账户活动 除了审核信息,赌客还需要注意自己的账户活动。一些赌场会在账户活动异常时,暂停或拒绝赌客提款。比如,赌客长时间不登录,账户余额突然增加或减少等情况,都可能导致账户活动异常。 赌客需要注意及时登录并充值、提取资金,以保持账户活跃。同时,赌客也应该养成定期检查账户余额和活动情况的习惯,及时处理账户异常情况。 此外,赌客还需要留意赌场的活动规则,避免违反赌场规定,导致提款遭拒。比如,一些赌场要求赢取的奖金需要满足一定的流水量,赌客需要提前了解并履行该规定。 3、规则遵守 在赌场游戏中,赌客需要严格遵守游戏规则。如果违反游戏规则,赌客可能不仅无法提取赢利,还可能面临账户被停用、被拉黑等情况。 在游戏前,赌客需要仔细阅读游戏规则和条款,以免在游戏中违反规定。同时,赌客还需要注意个人操作的规范性和合法性。比如,不能使用作弊软件或反复下注等不当操作。 如果发现自己违反了赌场规则,赌客需要及时停止不当行为,并与客服联系,协商解决方案。如果已经被处罚,赌客则需要耐心等待解决结果,遵守赌场的规定。 4、客服沟通 赌客需要与赌场客服展开沟通,及时解决提款遭拒的问题。赌客需要查询范围内的资金流水,及时排查自己的账户和银行卡是否正确。如果无法解决,赌客则需要联系客服,了解拒绝提款的原因, 并协商解决方案。 靠帮别人要被黑款行骗的现在网上也不在少数,大家尽量别上当受骗了,一切收前期的都是骗子,如果你自己也确定要不回来了也可以给那些不收前期的人帮你要试试看,反正自己不会再多亏什么了,他要回来就算不给你那也是他有本事要,由他去吧!有的人专收那种被黑号大家也可以卖点是点,一百块那也相当于白捡回来的了。当然这全都要看你个人怎么想了。 可以这么说那些打着专业要黑款的所用方法并没有比我说的高明多少,要回一单的收费就够他们生活几个月了。所以大家可以自己尽量试试,求人不如求己。专业出黑技术部孙大圣Nov 13, 2024Occasional Reader5Views0likes0CommentsOutlook inbox not showing reply sign
My outlook does not show the reply sign uless I move email to another folder. This can be frustrating and allows for duplicate replies. Please see attached showing inbox replied email, then update after moved to different folder. Thank you for your helpLouP629Nov 13, 2024Copper Contributor114KViews0likes18Commentsमैं शिकायत के लिए मीशो से कैसे संपर्क करूं?|
मीशो के खिलाफ शिकायत कैसे करें?, आप इन चरणों8102 का पालन करRP सकते हैं:(∆9154✓62°1✓700 )∆ मीशो ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करें:(∆9154✓62°1✓700 )∆ मीशो वेबसाइट पर जाएँ या अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस पर पेटीएम खोलेSolvedhayw6Nov 12, 2024Occasional Reader7Views0likes3Commentsमैं शिकायत के लिए मीशो से कैसे संपर्क करूं?
मीशो के खिलाफ शिकायत कैसे करें?, आप इन चरणों8102 का पालन करRP सकते हैं:(∆9154✓62°1✓700 )∆ मीशो ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करें:(∆9154✓62°1✓700 )∆ मीशो वेबसाइट पर जाएँ या अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस पर पेटीएम खोलेhayw6Nov 12, 2024Occasional Reader9Views0likes3Comments
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