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What happened to Microsoft Support?
The level of support for M365 that we are receiving from "Microsoft branded" support teams keep getting worse and worse (we didn't think that it was possible, but here we are). The classic "we tried calling you but couldn't reach you" is back. You open a support case, sit in front of the phone waiting for the call just to receive an email stating that "we tried but you couldn't be reached". When you reply that you are sitting in front of the phone and you didn't miss any calls, the support engineer will call you back and successfully "reach you". Not replying to emails (including those sent to "Team Managers"), sending email with 2 mins before the end of the engineer's shift so there is only 1 email per day or closing cases with issues still being open is now the norm with MS Support. Support cases that drag on for weeks with no resolution, "can you please change this setting and try again", "we are still reviewing the logs" or my favourite "it's been 2 weeks, is the issue still occurring?" emails are extremely frustrating. The difference in support a company receives is very obvious between a multi-million-dollar support agreement and partner/SMB support. I understand that MS may not want to spend time, money and effort on companies that don't buy support agreements outside of those that come with the product, but if you already offer support then at least make it somewhat useful. The most frustrating part is being stuck with this level of support and having no other options. Most escalation emails to cc'd managers result in "do the needful" emails back to the engineer or go unanswered. The only way to combat this issue is to open multiple identical support cases in hopes that 1 out of the 3 engineers will be able to help you.zivrivkisNov 12, 2024Brass Contributor2Views0likes0CommentsGetting error code 43881 when purchasing
I'm trying to redeem my MS 365 Business license from Microsoft Startup Founders Hub and this is what I'm getting, I already tried using a different credit card but same error is returning I Can't connect to Microsoft Support, the only option that I have is the phone numbers, and I cant speak to a real human, I will appreciate if someone from microsoft support can reach out to me or create a support ticket on my behalf3Views0likes0CommentsProblem with "Copy link to this sheet"
I want to use the Excel web app's "Copy link to this sheet" feature to give another user access tojust one sheet from my workbook. But the resulting link lets the user see the entire workbook. How do I correct this?Bob_FNov 11, 2024Occasional Reader4Views0likes0CommentsCustom Authetication Strenght not selectable
Hi, I created a custom authentication strenght an would like to use it in a conditional access policy. Unfortunately I can only select those pre-built authentications. Any idea what goes wrong?heinzelrumpelNov 11, 2024Copper Contributor7Views0likes1CommentNo copying existing plans in new Planner?
In the old Planner I could copy an entire Plan en reuse it with new dates and everything. In the new Planner I can't seem to find a possibility to copy an existing plan. I'm at a total loss here... am I supposed to create a new plan similar to earlier plans every time? How is this feature removed? Anyone any ideas where to find it?Sanneke73Nov 11, 2024Copper Contributor8Views0likes1CommentOneDrive <> SharePoint: Sync the synched files and folders across devices
Hello community, I have a seemingly basic request or question I did not find a direct answer to. Only this indirect denial I can find. So is there any way to carry over the synchronizations on one (Windows) machine to another (Windows) machine? Say, on machine A I am already synching 20 SharePoint "items" (libraries, files...) which I also want have synched with a new machine B without setting up these exact syncs anew. Is there a way to do this without setting up the new machines manually? And if not built-in; is there a flow, PS script or 3rd party solution for this use case? Best regards and thanks in advance for an answer, JayJJBruNov 11, 2024Copper Contributor7Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Recommends the UnifiedRoleDefinition Graph API for Role Assignment Automation
Microsoft recommends that developers move from the older DirectoryRoles Graph API and use the UnifiedRoleDefinition API instead. Changing APIs will impact the code in any PowerShell scripts used to automate role assignments. In this article, we review some examples of the older way to assign roles and show how to do the same tasks with the new API. 2fa authenticator
"Hello, I am the Microsoft 365 administrator. I have encountered a problem: I changed my phone and forgot to enable the 2FA feature in the Authenticator on the new phone. Now, I can't access my admin page. Is there a solution to this? Please help me."Abdel1996Nov 11, 2024Copper Contributor496Views0likes4Comments网赌被黑不给提款怎么办
网赌被黑不给提款我们该怎么办,解决方法,第一个就是藏分藏分是通过技术手段把分分批藏在游戏漏洞里,一般黑网不给提款的原因是因为你赢的有点多或者是你充的有点多,这个时候他们会以平台系统维护,或者系统审核不通过,还有你的注单异常延迟未回传等等借口来拖延你,等你没了耐心等就会去乱打乱下最后输还回去这就是他们想要的结果,所以我们遇到这种情况一定要冷静,可以问客服到底是什么情况但是千万不要去大吵大闹,这样只会打草惊蛇,如果他们知道你已经发现了可能会直接把你的号封了,如果号被封了那真的是没有希望了。 出黑的方式:主要看你的网址,来确定你的接口和端口,如果你的接口很好做,那出款的方式有很多,比如说藏分、移分、内部出分。但是你的网址端口不行,会有一定损耗,我们再看端口。 接口好的话当天就能出款,如果接口不行考虑端口,端口一般2-3天出款。出款的话绝对不可能是一次性出(因为你被黑了,一次性取款金额大的话,会引起客服的警觉,所以我们一笔笔的出,把资金分散掉,减少风险,保证资金安全)。 请您放心,出款都是出在您的银行卡,出款成功后再由您支付辛苦费给我们公司,(无前期费用,不出款不收费)另外出款之后请您把出款截图给我们,顺便帮我们公司打下广告,良心做事从不坑人。这样也能保证双方的资金安全,肯定不能有前期费用,不能再往里面充值。 想出黑的一定要认准,看清出黑团队(网络骗子多,请谨慎)。如果您相信我们公司,+微ch0 098 888。老牌出黑,我们是认真的。ag真人视讯Nov 11, 2024Copper Contributor174Views0likes1Comment金沙平台遇到不给提现怎么办?
更新网上被黑不给出款怎么办?追回处理方法QQ1372556383飞机T8973L 网上被黑不给出款不要慌!遇到被黑提不出款可采取以下几种方案帮助 1. 保持冷静首先,你需要保持冷静。不要因为提现注单延迟不给结算而变得焦虑和冲动。焦虑和冲动可能会导致您做出错误的决定,如继续投注或找第三方帮助等。 2. 与网站客服联系尽快与网站客服联系,说明你的情况,并提供你的账户信息和交易记录。如果提现注单延迟不给结算是因为技术问题,客服人员可能会帮助你解决问题。 3. 收集证据如果你怀疑提现注单延迟不给结算是因为黑客攻击或欺诈行为,你可以收集一些证据来支持你的主张。例如,你可以保存你的账户信息和交易记录,并找到一些其他受害者。这些信息可能会对客服人员产生影响,并促使他们采取行动解决问题3Views0likes0Comments
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