Recent Discussions
Use Protected Actions to Stop Attackers Hard-Deleting Entra ID Accounts
An article about the horrible devastation that an attacker can wreak inside a compromised Microsoft 365 tenant highlighted how protected actions can help by preventing attackers from being able to permanently remove user accounts unless they can pass additional authentication tests. Protected actions won’t stop attackers that have complete control over a tenant, but it might irritate them! 83Views1like7Comments
Sorting dates in Excel from oldest to newest is not working
Hi all, I would like to sort a date series in Excel, formatted as Mon Feb. 10, 2025 08:59 AM, from oldest to newest, but I can’t get it to work. Every week, I have to download a list from a program that uses this date format (see screenshot). I want to sort it in order from oldest to newest, but when I try to do so, the dates get mixed up. Downloaded list: 2. I select the cells and want to order it from old to new, then it gives me this: Does anybody has a solution for this? Thanks so much in advance! Arianne39Views0likes3CommentsTimesheet Tracker Help with INDEX/COUNT/SUM functions or alternative
Hi! I have inherited a series of timesheet trackers that I'm hoping to identify a formula or solution to easily quantify the PTO classifications that an individual employee took throughout a year. I have uploaded a scrubbed example of the workbook in question with a small sample of the biweekly timesheets that the previous coordinator used, as well as some screenshots at the very bottom. The MASTER worksheet is one that I created before I ran into a whole slew of errors ranging from #SPILL to #REF to #ERROR before deciding to take it to the forums. Ideally, I need a formula that will: Match the employee name in D2:D40 of the "MASTER" worksheet with those in B6:B44 in each of the sheets that follow (the scrubbed example has 4, but the full workbook has 26, which aligns with the "Sheet Index" in A2:A27 of the "MASTER" worksheet. Count occurrences of each PTO classification (from E1:M1 in the MASTER worksheet) referenced in those sheets so that I can capture how many times each matched employee took "HOL"; "PER"; etc. There are some discrepancies in the references that my predecessor noted in the cells, such as "-4" to note a half-day. Any help/guidance on this would be vastly appreciated as I have 26 worksheets to quantify for the last 3 years for compliance and really trying to avoid doing it manually. I'm also open to changing the format/layout of the "MASTER" worksheet to best approach a solution as well. Let me know if you have any questions! Many thanks in advance. Example screenshots:37Views0likes2CommentsSUMIF Problem
I’m trying to use excel to keep an accurate count of inventory for our small church bookstore (non-profit). I decided to use UPC codes on my spreadsheet so that when I scan an item that is being sold the Product name, selling price would automatically populate my spread sheet from a VLOOKUP table. It took some work but that seems to be working. Now I’m trying to have the worksheet automatically up-date our current stock amounts when an item is sold or we buy new/additional items for the bookstore. I’ve set up a separate tab called IN-OUT Inventory where I record the quantity of items sold or added to the inventory. When I scan a UPC code and it pulls over the Product name and selling price and I enter either a negative number for a sale or a positive number for addition to inventory. My main tab is called Current Inventory Sheet and I’ve placed a column at the end of that spreadsheet called Beg. Stock to represent the stock we are starting out with for this year. In the Current Bookstore Inventory tab the “Total Stock” column I need it to add in the beginning stock and then search for the UPC code on the In-Out Inventory sheet. If there is a match then add or subtract that number to reflect the current stock. I thought I had this working with a SUMIF coding but it appears that it won’t add or subtract additional transactions when there is a UPC code recorded more than one time on the IN-OUT sheet. So if I start out with 5 widgets and sell 2 it records total stock as 3; however, if I then receive 20 widgets and/or even sell 2 more it doesn’t recognize that transaction. Any help anyone could provide is greatly appreciated. Thank you! Here’s the link to the document: Church Bookstore Inventory Doc.xlsx23Views0likes3CommentsRepeat list of items for each month in table
Hi all I am looking to have an automatic repeating list of items that repeats based on the amount of months in a table. If however a month is mentioned in the list of items, the item will only repeat for that month only and not all the months in the table. Please see my example spreadsheet with the desired output, which should make it clear. I just need a formula to make this output table. I guess LET would be possible, but can anyone help please? Thank you Matt84Views0likes7CommentsControlling timeline using Unity Playable Controller not working properly
Unity version: 2022.3.34 Mesh toolkit version: v5.2314.130 Hello, as the title says I would like to control a Unity timeline using the Unity Playable Controller from Mesh. However, after adding the component and linking up the playable director as instructed in the doc and doing a test event, the controller doesn't seem to work. The animation doesn't pause when the pause button is pressed, and when I resume the animation snaps back to the point in the animation where it should have paused. For example; A cube moves from point A to point B in the animation. I want to pause the animation (stop the cube from moving at its current position) when the cube has covered 50% of the distance by pressing the pause button, but the cube continues moving towards point B when doing so. When the cube has moved 75% of the distance, I press resume in the controller, and the cube snaps back to the halfway mark between the points and then continues. Is there a setting I have missed or anything else that might be causing this?32Views0likes4CommentsA little confused by multi-tenant organization and teams
I've recently set up a Multi Tenant Organization with two Tenants, and set a few users to sync between the two. They all show up correctly in the opposite tenant users list in the admin centre, though sometimes it takes a while. Some seem to be added to the global address directory, but not others (I think possibly the first I added was, later additions are not). But most crucially, they do not seem to come up as people to do teams chats with, which is the most required feature. I'm guessing there is something I haven't set correctly, or some manual sync I am not running, but the example videos all seem to stop at showing that the user has appeared in the other tenant as a member, there's nothing showing how to then make use of this fact (such as including them in a teams chat). Can anybody point me in the right direction?8Views0likes0CommentsAutomatic Rolling 12 Month List
Hi all I've looked first but nothing seems to give me what I am looking for. Hope you can help! I'm simply looking for a rolling 12 months list that automatically updates based on the current date. The financial year starts in March. An example below based on today's date being in February 2025: Column A January 26 February 25 March 25 April 25 May 25 June 25 July 25 August 25 September 25 October 25 November 25 December 25 The idea being that once the month has passed, February 25 would become February 26 in the list and so on. Can this be done with formula based on the today() date? Thank you for any helpSolved82Views0likes6CommentsTwo way sum lookup (by month & name)
Hi all I am trying to perform a two way lookup from a source table. Basically I have names of colleagues with a number of days per week recorded. I want to then in another table using a formula sum the total amount of days by colleague for each month. I tried using SUMIFS, but it throws a VALUE error as I think the SUM range is not accepted across multiple columns/rows. Any ideas? I attach a sample spreadsheet. Thank you in advance24Views0likes3CommentsIf you thought Spills killed CSE, read this post
I build financial models. All financial models I have ever seen do the same thing - they show one reporting date per column. Every next reporting period evolves from the previous financial close. That is, the calculation order in such models is strictly A1 to An, B1 to Bn, ... N1 to Nn. There may at times arise the need to perform complex calculations that produce more than one result. Today, we can (program those in Lambdas and) spill the outputs across multiple rows (within the same column). Alas, Excel's performance resizing Spills is absolutely atrocious. Deploy such a formula across the columns of your model and you can literally watch the pixels set. One column at a time. Things settle after the initial run. There is then no need to resize ever again. Just so long as the calculation works out alright. Unfortunately, stuff happenz. And when that calculation errors out, you are back to watching pixels set as Excel replaces your multiple result rows with one row of #VALUE!. Once you fix that error, well, then you are back in for another treat of umpteen resize passes... Such a spreadsheet is frankly unusable. Now, I noticed with some astonishment that there is a simple fix for this nonsense: Just enter your spill formula with Control-Shift-Enter to morph it into an array formula. Sure, we all hate those. But all the hassle around editing is a price worth paying for Excel suddenly attaining Warp speed... Post Scriptum: There is another "solution" to this problem. Instead of performing the calculation once to spill 5 results, perform the same calculation 5 times over and return 1 result each time. If you think this is awful, you are of course correct. But ... to my amazement, doing this easily beats the Spill (no surprise - even using an Abacus probably will) and there was no telling a difference to CSE. I was baffled. Then I realized what Excel got up to. Excel understands that these 5 calculations are independent of one another and will happily parallelize them across multiple CPU cores. So, while this insane solution hammers the CPU, the nature of a financial model is such that it mostly cannot exercise more than one core anyway (it cannot be multi-threaded), such that on the occasion that we are being stupid, there are plenty of cores idling around that can bail us out... :) Post Post Scriptum: If for some reason you do not wish to use CSE, make absolutely sure that when stuff happenz your Spill returns 5 bad results. That avoids Excel having to resize that range when an error occurs.72Views0likes4CommentsCheckboxes not automatically updating using COUNTIF
Hey, all, I'm using the following function to set the checkbox boolean of a cell based on the amount of other cells checked: In cell A1: =IF(COUNTIF(A2:A3=2,TRUE),TRUE,FALSE) The formula works, but only when I manually click in and out of the A1 cell. Is there a way to have the cell automatically update like it would in Google Sheets? Using Excel for web build 16.0.18602.42306 here. Appreciate the help!126Views0likes5CommentsNow announcing the Microsoft 365 SMB Customer Advisory Board
Applications are now open for the Microsoft 365 SMB Customer Advisory Board (CAB), an exclusive opportunity for small and medium business (SMB) leaders to connect directly with Microsoft. Apply today to become a trusted advisor and make a meaningful impact on the products and services that drive your business forward! For more information, read our recent blog.16Views0likes0Commentsto big title bar in Office 365 update 2408
Hi all, since a couple of days I have to work with the ugly, annoying, awful, ... user interface in Office 365. The title bar size became horrible large. Compared with an explorer window from Win 10 it is nearly the double height. As an Office Poweruser (I'm working with the office products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook) unluckily the whole day) I'm looking for smallen the title bar again. There was a registry hack, but on my machine this isn't working anymore. Because of the ribbon interface and a lot of not needed functions this is how my Quick Access Toolbars (QAT) are looking like: Now somebody could tell my, "OK, switch the QAT to the top, so that the title bar get more sense! Problem is, that the monochrome icons are absolutly boring AND especially for Word I can't differ between my macros, which I set with different colours. The title bar is smaller because of the standard buttons and the search field, so that not all my most loved commands have space here Dragging the window can not be done with the title bar, as it was since the beginning of time. I need to find some space somewhere. Does someone have an idea to reduce the size of the title bar as it was before? Or does someone have an idea to colorize the icons, when they are inside the title bar? If I consider that the taskbar is also increasing in size, especially in WIN 11 where this isn't adjustable, both sides (top + bottom) in sum are steeling to many space. Cheers! Kay178Views1like3CommentsHow to fill a range of Sheet A with data from Sheet B by repeating this action for each value
Hi, I have two sheets A & B. Sheet A has a table where A1:H1 is the header. The range C2:C9 of this table is blank but there is data in the ranges A2:B9 and D2:H9. Sheet B has data in the range A1:A43. I have to fill the range C2:C9 of Sheet A with data from Sheet B by repeating this action for each value in Sheet B.65Views0likes6CommentsList Formatting No Longer Working
I was originally using a multi level list in my document. I needed to make a page of contents so I changed to a numbered list. Now, it won't let me use the multi level list format on the rest of my document. I contacted support and they weren't able to help me with this.31Views0likes3CommentsMake Excel Chart from multiple sheets
I hope once again for help with excel, since this community was super helpful before. I have multiple sheets in a excel sheet and I would like to create a chart that pulls data from multiple of those sheets. I have Team 1 & Team 2 (on separate sheets within one file) and data on how many people of each team are at any location at any given day of the week. I would like to create a chart that shows the location on the x axis. I would like to show how many people (regardless of team) are at any location each day. If possible it also shows how many people of each team are at Location 1 on Mon, and so on. I am happy to change the data collection sheets as well if that helps.31Views0likes2CommentsOneNote - Inserting Code Blocks
Are there any plans for a way to format code blocks in OneNote without inserting a 1 column/row table or an ugly print out? The most relevant Google search brings up a post from 2018 where the top answer says its been requested on UserVoice and directs OP there, but 3 years later, still no code block formatting options and Microsoft isn't using UserVoice anymore so I don't where else I can submit feature requests besides this discussion board. Thanks!304KViews8likes18CommentsFormula assistant
Hi All, Attached the following pic: Im trying to create the yellow cells by formula (I made it manually) the rules: if the column date and the raw date is a match so it should give us column H value (exm:cell J7, the column date is 01/01/2025, same as row 7 date so im getting H7 value) one cell to the right where we got our match I want it to take the left cell divide by minus 4 and multy by 3 (15360/4*-3 = -11520) and than to the next 3 cell to the right, I want to get the -11520/-3 = 3840 after 3 cells I want it to get zeroed, thx all in advanced !Solved83Views0likes5Comments
Recent Blogs
- Empowering our users to tell stories worth sharing lies at the heart of what we do at Clipchamp, and in a world increasingly focused on enterprise narratives, it’s become clear that these stories are...Feb 10, 2025161Views0likes0Comments
- We are excited to announce a series of new features in Shared Device Mode that will significantly enhance the experienceFeb 10, 2025106Views1like0Comments