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网赌被黑不给提款我们该怎么办,解决方法,第一个就是藏分藏分是通过技术手段把分分批藏在游戏漏洞里,一般黑网不给提款的原因是因为你赢的有点多或者是你充的有点多,这个时候他们会以平台系统维护,或者系统审核不通过,还有你的注单异常延迟未回传等等借口来拖延你,等你没了耐心等就会去乱打乱下最后输还回去这就是他们想要的结果,所以我们遇到这种情况一定要冷静,可以问客服到底是什么情况但是千万不要去大吵大闹,这样只会打草惊蛇,如果他们知道你已经发现了可能会直接把你的号封了,如果号被封了那真的是没有希望了。 出黑的方式:主要看你的网址,来确定你的接口和端口,如果你的接口很好做,那出款的方式有很多,比如说藏分、移分、内部出分。但是你的网址端口不行,会有一定损耗,我们再看端口。 接口好的话当天就能出款,如果接口不行考虑端口,端口一般2-3天出款。出款的话绝对不可能是一次性出(因为你被黑了,一次性取款金额大的话,会引起客服的警觉,所以我们一笔笔的出,把资金分散掉,减少风险,保证资金安全)。 请您放心,出款都是出在您的银行卡,出款成功后再由您支付辛苦费给我们公司,(无前期费用,不出款不收费)另外出款之后请您把出款截图给我们,顺便帮我们公司打下广告,良心做事从不坑人。这样也能保证双方的资金安全,肯定不能有前期费用,不能再往里面充值。 想出黑的一定要认准,看清出黑团队(网络骗子多,请谨慎)。如果您相信我们公司,+微ch0 098 888。老牌出黑,我们是认真的。148Views0likes1Comment金沙平台遇到不给提现怎么办?
更新网上被黑不给出款怎么办?追回处理方法QQ1372556383飞机T8973L 网上被黑不给出款不要慌!遇到被黑提不出款可采取以下几种方案帮助 1. 保持冷静首先,你需要保持冷静。不要因为提现注单延迟不给结算而变得焦虑和冲动。焦虑和冲动可能会导致您做出错误的决定,如继续投注或找第三方帮助等。 2. 与网站客服联系尽快与网站客服联系,说明你的情况,并提供你的账户信息和交易记录。如果提现注单延迟不给结算是因为技术问题,客服人员可能会帮助你解决问题。 3. 收集证据如果你怀疑提现注单延迟不给结算是因为黑客攻击或欺诈行为,你可以收集一些证据来支持你的主张。例如,你可以保存你的账户信息和交易记录,并找到一些其他受害者。这些信息可能会对客服人员产生影响,并促使他们采取行动解决问题1View0likes0Comments网赌遇到皇宫被黑不给出款怎么办?
1在网上平台不给出款的情况下,往往会遇到平台给出各种理由。这些理由可能是虚假的,旨在拖延处理时间,并最终不给出款。面对这种情况,我们需要寻找解决方案与技巧,以尽快解决问题。 方法/步骤 1寻求专业帮助 在遇到这种情况时,我们可以寻求专业人士微arvLLLL的帮助。可以联系相关的监管部门或法律机构,寻求他们的协助与指导。他们可以帮助我们了解我们的权益,并提供解决问题的建议。.维护自身权益 在与平台沟通的过程中,我们需要坚决维护自身的合法权益。 2可以提供相关的证据,证明自己的合法性。同时,我们需要保持冷静,并坚持要求平台按照规定的时间给出款项。.寻找其他渠道 如果平台一直拖延不给出款,我们可以寻找其他渠道解决问题。QQ1372556383飞机@T8973L 3可以向相关的媒体或社交平台曝光平台的不公正行为,引起更多人的关注。这样的曝光有可能迫使平台尽快给出款项。2Views0likes0Comments网络赌被黑怎么办
首先我们先来了解一下自身帐号目前是什么情况,(解决方法薇churro678先出款后收费!)被黑了一定要冷静,千万不能与平台客服发生争吵,因为平台永远是发起主动方,不能为了一时性爽造成不必要的麻烦 现在普遍平台常用的不给出款的借口有那些? 被黑网站方有哪些借口不给出款: 1:你的账户异常登录。 2:网站维护。 3:网站取款维护。 4:当事人涉嫌犯罪。 5:系统自动抽查审核。 6:网站抽查审核。 7:帐户违规下注。 8:银行系统维护等等借口不给你出款甚至冻结你的账户。不要安慰幸好,这些都是网站已经准备好黑你所寻找的理由。 只要半天以上不到账的,基本上就是被黑了,也别去想着找客服议论什么,因为人家是跟平台要黑你的人一伙的,所以会用各种借口模拟推论你,不给出款,怎么办? 目前市面处理的方式分为两种诉求的就是“藏分”利用平台内部藏分,但抓取率比较大,基本在30%左右,例如一万个经过藏分技术出款,能出七千左右。 还有一种就是采用第三方软件技术“隐分”,这种技术团队相对比较少,这种技术采用手动配置端口检测平台接口大小,子原帐号隐分,配置第三方出款通道分批出该款,该技术的丢失率在5%以内,基本没有丢失率 只要帐号还能正常登录及时赶在平台冻结帐号之前配置操作,都是可以通过技术操作出款的,输掉追不回来的了,如果是被黑不给提我有方法。2Views0likes0CommentsExcel Performance Issue with Linked Workbooks - Data Update Delay
Hi Microsoft Community, We are experiencing a performance issue with linked workbooks in MS Excel. Here’s our problem statement: We have two workbooks (Workbook1 and Workbook2) that contain one or more worksheets. Workbook1 (Sheet-1) is linked to Workbook2 (Sheet-1) using standard Excel formulas to connect specific cell data. However, when we update cell data in Workbook1 (Sheet-1), which is linked to Workbook2 (Sheet-1), it takes approximately 10 minutes for the data to reflect in Workbook2. The records we are working with are in the thousands, which may contribute to the delay. We are looking for any possible optimizations or solutions to reduce the time it takes for the data to update. Any guidance or suggestions on how to improve this performance issue would be greatly appreciated. What we tried so far: 1. Direct Link of Workbook Method: Directly link the required range in the formula to the dependent workbook. Problem: Significant delay in updating data. Causes: Empty Rows: Including rows without data slows down the process. Recalculation: Every change triggers a recalculation of all formulas, causing delays. Formula Copying: Copying formulas down to the last row for automatic updates is inefficient. Complex Formulas: Using complex formulas for data fetching is time-consuming. Import Data Using Workbook Link Method: Import data from the dependent workbook and use the local sheet range. Problem: Significant delay in updating data. Causes: Empty Rows: Including rows without data slows down the process. Recalculation: Every change triggers a recalculation of all formulas, causing delays. Formula Copying: Copying formulas down to the last row for automatic updates is inefficient. Import Data Using Power Query Method: Import data from the dependent workbook using Power Query. Problem: Delay in updating data due to limitations in the current version of Excel Online, which does not support Power Query; an updated Office 365 version is required. Causes: Frequent Refresh: Setting auto-refresh to every minute causes frequent, time-consuming refreshes. Formula Copying: Copying formulas down to the last row for automatic updates is inefficient. In addition to these methods, a consultant also attempted to link the workbooks using a hyperlink. Although this method was not fully implemented, I believe it may encounter similar delay issues due to the volume of data and linked dependencies. Thank you in advance for your help! Best Regards, Vipin30Views0likes1CommentChanging Proofing Language for an Entire Presentation in PowerPoint
Turns out you can't just change the Proofing Language for an entire presentation in PowerPoint. You have to select text boxed one by one in order to change the proofing language. So the question is, is this the only way or there is some workaround to it? Thanks.Solved223KViews0likes30Comments网络赌博平台风控审核不给提款怎么办
随着网络时代的进步,很多人开始在网络上设置各种游戏,以各种高盈利的游戏吸引人进去,但是你们不知道的是,每个游戏都会有后台程序可以操控,意思很简单,吃大陪小,还有就是大小通吃。每天被骗的人不少,通常平台方不给出歀的借口:你的账号异常登录、网站维护、端口维护、系统自动抽查审核、风控审核、账号异常等等,各种理由就是不给你出款甚至冻结。只要半天不到的,就想办法及时处理,只要方法得当追回的可能性很大的。 那么问题就来了,他们这样做的目的是什么呢?他们所说的这些(借口)是否真的存在!答案是借口都是假的,这样做的目的是为了让你心灰意冷或怒气冲天,这样他们(黑你)就成功了。想出黑的一定要认准,看清出黑团队(网络骗子多)。孙大圣出黑技术部+薇 lcly479。十年出黑经验,出黑我们是认真的。 注释:当你心灰意冷的时候你就会不想再去追问,因为你已经知道不管你怎样去询问,都是没有结果的,自己只能自认倒霉,安慰自己说就当花钱买一个教训吧!而当你怒气冲天的时候你就会进去继续投注,心想反正拿不到钱,管他呢胡乱投注,在这个时候会发生两种可能,第一种就是你把钱全部输回去了,这样的话他们的目的就达到了,而你的出款也就不复存在了,钱是你自己输的又不是我们不给你出款(到时候客服就会这样来反问你,)而你这样做事实上就是在帮他们黑你找一个更好开脱的理由,你竟无言以对。第二种就是你赢了,但是是没有任何作用的,你是永远都拿不到钱的,简单的说就是客服把你弄的怒气冲天胡乱投注的最后目的是让你把钱输回去,你要是赢的话就继续拿借口拖你,给你的选择就是你要么继续玩把钱全部输回来要么直接放弃。 被黑可能要回来的两大要点: 1:让网站方看出你身上的利益 2:能有一定的威胁力 : 怎么让网站方看出你身上的利益? 简单!多玩流水故意输或代理就能让网站方觉得你身上可能还存在潜力。你可以注册个代理链接去贴吧或论坛发帖帮帮你注册点空炮到你代理号帐下,注册信息都可以假,也不需要投注都行。这个我想还是有人愿意帮忙的,当然自己尽量别注册,同一IP地址注册的他们后台一眼就能看出来。同时要靠你的谈话技巧和忽悠能力装傻能力了,就算你知道他们是黑网准备黑你钱你也别捅破。要把他们信誉捧高要让他们相信你同时也要表现出自己身上大油油水可捞。还有没有希望要回基本全靠自己神奇的嘴上了。 2:何为威胁力?网站方的基本信息:如域名IP地址、服务器IP地址、网站注册信息等,很多反查网站几乎都可以查。又如网站方交易所用的入款银行账户、出款银行账户、微信支付宝入款账户、在线支付平台账户。有这些信息可以拿来向银行支付宝等举报这些账户用于赌博的,如果都被查实对他们也算是不小的损失,你还可以威胁网站方就算以后换账户同样会举报。一般多少还是有效果的。网站信息可以向工信部或网络违法犯罪举报网等举报,赌博网本身是贼几乎都会心虚。你也可以明确告诉网站方你的钱是公款,或你是在校学生的生活费学费等等!大家都不妨可以尽量试试,也许你是在世华佗能救活自己呢。 我们可以通过藏芬的手段把号上的余额藏起来,然后让黑平台以为输完了,这也是嘿平台拖延的最终目的,这个时候大概率嘿平台会把号恢复正常,嘿平台还想让你入坑,而我们就可以把之前藏好的一部分恢复出来,最后分批提出来。绝对有把握和机会提出的。不能拖延,必须第一时间解决,才有机会减少损失,还有追回的希望。悬崖勒马为时不晚,希望大家吸取教训!远离赌博,珍爱生命!2Views0likes0Comments网赌提款不了最好方法
相信很多喜欢网上玩的人都遇到过,在网站上盈利之后遇到各种理由不给出的,什么违规,审核,维护,等一般时间超过10个小时,你就不要抱着侥幸的心理了,目的只是拖这个时间让你输而已,情况也不要盲目的去找客服因为别人都不给你了,你再去找什么用呢,本人接触这行也有七八年了,我们工作室根据多年经验!并开发出最新技术!成功率更高!只要你的号还能正常要路玩,就没什么问题,保持理智,不要相信客服说的话就行,切记跟客服去扯皮,让客明白你还是个什么都不懂还会继续玩的用户就行了,护住了你的号就等于拥有了百分之九十九能出的差异,我们相信,+威ch0098888无前期,不出不收前,实战会让你感谢自己的选择。 提不出来的加薇ch00988888了解,专业团队24小时在线为你解决一切被黑问题。遇到被黑网站会提示:财务清算,维护审核,异常注单,通道维护等等理由。 以前正常出的,这次超过三小时不到的,请不要闲着麻烦,抓紧来问,等等原因只是平台找的借口,说你的出款通道维护,审核完成通知你。 那么有些朋友问题来了,为什么既然想黑我,不能直接封我的账号? 问题,我简单说一下。这很简单的一个道理,他们就是希望你把这个分输掉,再去充值。 你心里应该很清楚,但有些朋友就会相信奇迹发生,那就等等看吧,切记,这种想法是最危险的。你懂的可以先来咨询,但是你盲目等待,客服不会给你太久的时间,只要你的分没有越来越少,或者超过1天(个别网站几个小时)没有动静,那么下一步不是冻结,就是破坏,以及限制终极兑换!爱情兄弟真的迟了!不要错过最佳出款时间,切记切记! 不要等到自己的账号被冻结了,喜欢神仙也救不了。实体工作室,不出收不到任何前期费用,只要账号可以正常登录金额就可以转换。找到方法出款的,不要被平台坑了。及时挽回自己的财产损失。 全天在,随时来扰。不要看的眼花缭乱的,有没有实力,不凭嘴说的,我们每天都在出,每天都有成功案例,可以先咨询再决定!2Views0likes0Comments网赌被黑平台不给提现怎么办
随着网络时代的进步,很多人开始在网络上设置各种游戏,以各种高盈利的游戏吸引人进去,但是你们不知道的是,每个游戏都会有后台程序可以操控,意思很简单,吃大陪小,还有就是大小通吃。每天被骗的人不少,通常平台方不给出歀的借口:你的账号异常登录、网站维护、端口维护、系统自动抽查审核、风控审核、账号异常等等,各种理由就是不给你出款甚至冻结。只要半天不到的,就想办法及时处理,只要方法得当追回的可能性很大的。 那么问题就来了,他们这样做的目的是什么呢?他们所说的这些(借口)是否真的存在!答案是借口都是假的,这样做的目的是为了让你心灰意冷或怒气冲天,这样他们(黑你)就成功了。想出黑的一定要认准,看清出黑团队(网络骗子多)。孙大圣出黑技术部+薇 lcly479。十年出黑经验,出黑我们是认真的。 注释:当你心灰意冷的时候你就会不想再去追问,因为你已经知道不管你怎样去询问,都是没有结果的,自己只能自认倒霉,安慰自己说就当花钱买一个教训吧!而当你怒气冲天的时候你就会进去继续投注,心想反正拿不到钱,管他呢胡乱投注,在这个时候会发生两种可能,第一种就是你把钱全部输回去了,这样的话他们的目的就达到了,而你的出款也就不复存在了,钱是你自己输的又不是我们不给你出款(到时候客服就会这样来反问你,)而你这样做事实上就是在帮他们黑你找一个更好开脱的理由,你竟无言以对。第二种就是你赢了,但是是没有任何作用的,你是永远都拿不到钱的,简单的说就是客服把你弄的怒气冲天胡乱投注的最后目的是让你把钱输回去,你要是赢的话就继续拿借口拖你,给你的选择就是你要么继续玩把钱全部输回来要么直接放弃。 被黑可能要回来的两大要点: 1:让网站方看出你身上的利益 2:能有一定的威胁力 : 怎么让网站方看出你身上的利益? 简单!多玩流水故意输或代理就能让网站方觉得你身上可能还存在潜力。你可以注册个代理链接去贴吧或论坛发帖帮帮你注册点空炮到你代理号帐下,注册信息都可以假,也不需要投注都行。这个我想还是有人愿意帮忙的,当然自己尽量别注册,同一IP地址注册的他们后台一眼就能看出来。同时要靠你的谈话技巧和忽悠能力装傻能力了,就算你知道他们是黑网准备黑你钱你也别捅破。要把他们信誉捧高要让他们相信你同时也要表现出自己身上大油油水可捞。还有没有希望要回基本全靠自己神奇的嘴上了。 2:何为威胁力?网站方的基本信息:如域名IP地址、服务器IP地址、网站注册信息等,很多反查网站几乎都可以查。又如网站方交易所用的入款银行账户、出款银行账户、微信支付宝入款账户、在线支付平台账户。有这些信息可以拿来向银行支付宝等举报这些账户用于赌博的,如果都被查实对他们也算是不小的损失,你还可以威胁网站方就算以后换账户同样会举报。一般多少还是有效果的。网站信息可以向工信部或网络违法犯罪举报网等举报,赌博网本身是贼几乎都会心虚。你也可以明确告诉网站方你的钱是公款,或你是在校学生的生活费学费等等!大家都不妨可以尽量试试,也许你是在世华佗能救活自己呢。 我们可以通过藏芬的手段把号上的余额藏起来,然后让黑平台以为输完了,这也是嘿平台拖延的最终目的,这个时候大概率嘿平台会把号恢复正常,嘿平台还想让你入坑,而我们就可以把之前藏好的一部分恢复出来,最后分批提出来。绝对有把握和机会提出的。不能拖延,必须第一时间解决,才有机会减少损失,还有追回的希望。悬崖勒马为时不晚,希望大家吸取教训!远离赌博,珍爱生命!5Views0likes0CommentsComplex numbers in Excel
Did you know that Excel can handle complex mathematical operations with complex numbers? Complex numbers, expressed as "a + bi," where 'a' and 'b' are real numbers and 'i' is the imaginary unit, can be powerful tools in various scenarios. Think engineering, physics, signal processing, or even financial modelling. Excel offers native support for complex numbers, and you can perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division just as easily as with real numbers. If you haven't explored this yet, give it a shot! It's as simple as entering a formula like=IMSUM(A1:B1)or=IMPRODUCT(A1:B1) One nifty feature is the ability to convert complex numbers from rectangular to polar form and vice versa. This can be a game-changer in certain calculations, especially when dealing with phase angles or magnitude-based analyses. For this you can make use of the=IMABS(A1)and=IMARGUMENT()functions. As complex numbers are considered to be text within Excel you will need special functions to perform arithmetic with them, such as IMSUM, IMSUB, IMPRODUCT, and IMDIV. Excel can help you plot complex numbers on the complex plane using the XY Scatter chart! you will need the IMREAL and IMAGINARY functions to extract the real and imaginary coefficients from the complex number to use them to plot the numbers. This feature can be invaluable when dealing with complex data sets or analysing the behaviour of complex functions. If you're interested in learning more about complex numbers, I made a video covering all functions that work with complex numbers in Excel: Have you worked with complex numbers before in Excel? What specific use case did you have? Were there any obstacles you had to overcome?18KViews1like2CommentsDesktop App for Planner?
There only appears to be a web version? Is there an app for a desktop on PC and/or Mac?Solved736KViews17likes46CommentsBORDERS USERFORM
Hi, there a way to put round, rectangle borders on Userform? I see a guy on youtube and i notice that, it's very nice the corners on his project. He even put a shadow effect, but on the video he did not teach how to do that. LINK: in case someone want so see - 3 criteria
Hello Experts, I am trying to use Dlookup with 3 criteria. The attached excel file is clearer but I will try to explain. What I need to return is the qryFacilityBal.[Balance] where "ProjIDfk=" & [tblDraws].[ProjID] & " And [IDFacfk] =" & [tblFacility].[ID] and [DateAmend] < " & [tblDraws].[FundingDate]. The 3rd criteria is what I am having problems with. I don’t think it’s a simple < criteria since it seems more like a BETWEEN statement. Maybe an expert knows exactly what I am trying to do. here is the criteria: If the [FundingDate] is < [qryFacilityBal].[DateAmend] then use the MIN [qryFacility].[Balance]. If the [FundingDate] is <= MAX [qryFacilityBal].[DateAmend] then use the MAX [qryFacility].[Balance]. If its BETWEEN I am not sure how that would be coded. Here is my dlookup clause (red part is the issue): FacAmtDlook: Format(DLookUp("Balance","qryFacilityBal","ProjIDfk=" & [tblDraws].[ProjID] & " And [IDFacfk] =" & [tblFacility].[ID] & " And nz([DateAmend],0) < " & Format$(Nz([tblDraws].[FundingDate],0),"\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#")),"Standard") Please see attached xl file. The example is clearer but I have a screen shot below. grateful for the help. I hope its clear. The excel file I think is easier to follow. Let me know if not clear.78Views0likes14Comments- 2Views0likes0Comments
Transfer Quicken Data into Weekly Report
1/2/2024 1893 Res PAYPAL TRANSFER 240206 Tithe 650.15 1/3/2024 1893 Res PAYPAL TRANSFER 240213 Tithe 96.62 1/4/2024 3022 Youth DEPOSIT MADE IN A BRANCH/STORE Donation 25 1/4/2024 2104 Main DEPOSIT MADE IN A BRANCH/STORE Tithe 0 1/8/2024 2104 Main DEPOSIT MADE IN A BRANCH/STORE Tithe 690 After converting CSV into Excel format and filtering the above, the data represents what must be placed into the appropriate account (column), totaled, and then totaled into weekly segments. We need a formula for a year's worth of data to accomplish this task. There are two other columns not included: 9542 BkSt, and Bldg Fund Week Ending 2104 Main 1893 Res 3022 Youth Total 1/1/24 - 1/6/24 1/7/24 - 1/13/24 1/14/24 - 1/20/24 1/21/24 - 1/27/24 1/28/24 - 2/3/24 2/4/24 - 2/10/24 2/11/24 - 2/17/24 2/18/24 - 2/24/24 2/25/24 - 3/2/24 3/3/24 - 3/9/24 3/10/24 - 3/16/24 3/17/24 - 3/23/24 3/24/24 - 3/30/24 3/31/24 - 4/6/24 4/7/24 - 4/13/24 4/14/24 - 4/20/24 4/21/24 - 4/27/24 4/28/24 - 5/4/24 5/5/24 - 5/11/249Views0likes2CommentsVBA code for Excel form that populates a table
Hello I'm using Office 365 for Windows on a federals government computer system. I track the food and beverage inventory that is stocked from 11 floors and units in a hospital. I had to consolidate it onto one table and complicated me entering data easily. I created a form using Excel VBA to in put data onto a spreadsheet labeled Floor stock data. There are no values assigned to the entry cells. The spreadsheet column names are exactly the same and in the same order as the input form I created. The columns range from A to BR. I need the form to move to the next input box after I hit the enter button on my keyboard. When I push the ENTER button on the form I need to transfer the data to an open row below the previous data. In this case its row 604. I then need to reset the form and clear the data. I need to write the next record on the next row after that. The form needs to reset and the values need to clear after I use the form ENTER button. I've looked online but the videos are not very good and I can't figure anything out from the Excel documentation. Could you help me write the code and give me any references I can use as back up and so I can learn. I'm a complete beginner to Windows Excel VBA and a low intermediate with Excel. Thank you16Views0likes5CommentsExtracting text removing html/tags and user signatures
Hi experts Hope you can help me! I have a support ticket system that has the issue extracted into one column by ticket. The ticket includes HTML, a users email signature and other text I need to strip out. In affect I am looking just for the plain description. See attached example with column B my desired output. Note that there are two methods that create the data. One is the user utilising a standard template where the description is clear e.g. Description: xxxxxxx Another method is we recieve the data without this mentioned. I have included examples of both scenarios in the file. Is there a reliable formula to basically extract into column B just the ticket description? Note - Macros is not an option sadly due to workplace policies Thank you!27Views0likes3CommentsCHANGE IMAGE WHEN I SELECT ANOTHER NAME ON LIST BOX
Hi, there a way to change the image on userform when i select another name on listbox? I have a shape that change on the worksheet when i select a name on listbox, but on Userform only change when i initialize. The images are in another tab. Here the code on the project: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cObj As ChartObject, iPath Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Imagem 1") Set cObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(.Left, .Top, .Width, .Height) .Copy: cObj.Select: cObj.Chart.Paste iPath = Environ("Temp") & "\" & Format(Now, "hhmmss") & ".jpg" cObj.Chart.Export iPath End With Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(iPath) cObj.Delete End Sub Excel 365, Windows,System 64, Notebook82Views0likes4Comments
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