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Analysis ToolPak Chi Squared test for independence
I recently had someone show me that through Analysis ToolPak, a chi-squared test can be performed in excel similar to other statistical programs such as SPSS. She just created the 2 x 2 contingency table and used data analysis to perform the function; however, after adding it into my personal computer (i have microsoft 365 Family), i cannot find the function under the data analysis section. Is there an easier way to do a chi squared test for independence that does not include working through all of the steps in excel or a good statistical add in which will perform the functions for me so I can work through the data analysis quickly.elirodriguez2015Feb 17, 2025Copper Contributor17Views0likes1CommentPreventing the user from going to the next page in UserFrom
Hello , like the title says I have a problem in the UserForm.When the fields are blank in the first page(employee) then if the user clicks on the second page (training) , the message should pop-up and the user should stay on the first page.However, it looks like it stays on the first page but the controls(fields) of the second page (training) are visible , so only the page tab reverts back as employee but the fields are from the training page.Where is the mistake ? I would appreciate the answer ! Screenshots : Before clicking the training( when all fields are empty: after clicking training page: after closing the message : The code: Private Sub MultiPage1_Change() Dim isValid As Boolean isValid = True ' When trying to navigate to Page 2 (Training), validate fields first If MultiPage1.Value = 1 Then isValid = ValidateFields() If Not isValid Then MsgBox "Please complete all employee fields before proceeding to the Training page." MultiPage1.Value = 0 End If ' Load the training list now that we're accessing Page 2 Call LoadTrainingList("") End If End Sub Private Function ValidateFields() As Boolean ' Initially assume all fields are valid ValidateFields = True ' Check name field If Me.txtName.Value = "" Then Me.txtName.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200) ' Light red for missing data ValidateFields = False Else Me.txtName.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) ' Reset back color if correct End If ' Check role field If Me.txtRole.Value = "" Then Me.txtRole.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200) ValidateFields = False Else Me.txtRole.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) End If ' Check ID field If Me.txtID.Value = "" Then Me.txtID.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200) ValidateFields = False Else Me.txtID.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) End If ' Check section field If Me.txtSection.Value = "" Then Me.txtSection.BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200) ValidateFields = False Else Me.txtSection.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) End If End Function Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ' Set the initial page to Employee (Page1, assuming index 0) MultiPage1.Value = 0 ' Ensure all relevant controls are reset or visible/invisible as needed ResetFieldColors ' Start/resetting particular fields or visibility information here if required End SubElla123Feb 17, 2025Copper Contributor21Views0likes3CommentsMacro not working
Good morning - My macro isn't working and I need some help. I reached out here a bit ago and someone created this macro to help updates/made this format a bit more PowerBI friendly. I have my original report in the OR Report Scrubbed 2019-2024 file, then I head to the 2016-2023 OR Data.PowerBI format file and update the link in the PARAM tab, and then refresh the table. I was wondering if you could help fix this macro/table so it will refresh with the most recent data! This is the error that I'm getting:nattiej101Feb 17, 2025Brass Contributor678Views0likes4CommentsExcel help
Hi all, I have list of LGA location names in excel file. An example are as follows: Currently after I extract the data, I use look up function to get the New LGA column to replace the existing data. This is a manual task. The original file I have download from MS SQL and the file format is csv. Is there any other way that can do this more efficiently and automatically? Thankskpan8Feb 17, 2025Copper Contributor66Views0likes3Comments#SPILL Error in Excel
I have been working on an assignment and using the XLOOKUP function to try to get a result. No matter how many times I do it, I keep getting the same answer. I have re-entered in the information countless times and can just not figure it out. I have also tried the VLOOKUP function. It says my spill range is not blank but I have no options to select obstructing cells or anything. I have the 365 Excel version. Any help?69Views0likes2CommentsStamp Duty Calculation
Hello, I have a SUMPRODUCT formula to calculate stamp duty in the UK below where F2 = the purchase price of a property. =SUMPRODUCT(--(F2>{0;250000;925000;1500000}),(F2-{0;250000;925000;1500000}), {0.03;0.05;0.05;0.02}) I want to edit this formula so that if F2 is less than 40000 then the stamp duty = £0 regardless of the above formula. Can anyone assist me please? Thanks, PatSolvedPat_Burrows1970Feb 15, 2025Copper Contributor24KViews0likes10CommentsImport Tab Delimited File from Clipboard
I'm looking to create a macro in excel to import a file from clipboard. I have tried to record a macro and that did not work. I do not want to enter a file name. I would like to copy from notepad and execute macro to import the data with pipe delimits. Sorry if this is a repeat, I ould not fine an answr anywhere. Thanks.SolvedJimKFeb 15, 2025Copper Contributor58Views0likes4CommentsDependent Drop Downs across multiple rows in a spreadsheet
Hello. I've been trying to create a spreadsheet that has a dependent dropdown column. However, all the guides and advice I've seen so far have been functional only when you only need a single cell or a small number of cells to have this drop-down. I'd like this function for a large spreadsheet that I will be adding to frequently. My first thought as a workaround is - is there a way to have data validation read an adjacent cell? The issue I seem to be having is that while I can set Data Validation to =INDIRECT(A2) - it applies that to every cell in the column, so it will only search A2. Is there a a way to have data validation go =INDIRECT("CellAdjacentToThisOne")? I would have thought there's a formula for identifying whatever is in an adjacent cell, but I can't figure out what to look for sorry. Failing that, if there's a workaround for getting dependent dropdowns to function through large spreadsheets, I'd love to hear it. I only have one layer of depdency - the first selection will draw from a wide range of options, but that will be the depth of it. I'm wondering if part of the issue might be that I'm in Office 365 - some of the tutorials use the Name Manager, but it seems to function or maybe it just looks different in the desktop version of Excel, so maybe it has some feature I don't have access too? Any advice would be appreciated.Jambo97Feb 15, 2025Copper Contributor700Views0likes15CommentsCreate a Power query or Dax to find Open Status more than 1 hour
Hi Team, I have the door table Here I want to find that whether door is being open continuously(having open status & not closed) for more than 1 hour for each DeviceId. Data Description: The Status column shows whether door is open or Closed. CreatedOn column shows time duration. DeviceId column shows Deviceid. My first requirement is: We need to add the minutes(createdon) between each row for same deviceid where the status = open. But where a status = closed (if closed comes in between open) we reset the number of minutes. So we sum by the previous value where status = Open - Something like If current status = open and previous status = open then sum the time and do the below: Sum(previous value + new sum) Where/if status = closed set time count = 0 Sum(previous value + new sum) is going to take into account only the consecutive open status >60 min for same divice id whenever status is closed, this Sum(previous value + new sum) will be reset to/equal to 0 So on the first open status, the count will be 0. Then the next open status it will be time between 2 open statuses, then on the third it will be the time between two open statuses add the previous time.but any close status then time is reset. Could you please help me with a power query logic/dax logic? Second Requirement: This is only a sample data. But we have billions of rows of data in our dataflow that comes from SQL views. So, thought not to use DAX for this calculation in future. we can precalculate the maximum open state duration by preprocessing data (SQL, Power Query(dataflow), Spark, anything else...). So can you help me prepare data upfront. we need to solve the problem with a with a proper data model. for example, create a table with the longest open events upfront (in whatever technique you are comfortable with) Could you please help me to achieve this? PFA file here B&M.pbix Thanks in advance!Excellove15Feb 15, 2025Iron Contributor135Views0likes8CommentsCounting unique values in two columns
How do I count how many total unique names are associated with a unique date? See attached. I'd like to assign a number in the highlighted cell next to each name, indicating the number of unique dates beside that name. Example: The number next to Coach's name should be 4. Thank you.SolvedPaulM1970Feb 15, 2025Copper Contributor56Views0likes3Comments
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