2018 Year Roundup
Published Dec 28 2018 01:43 PM 3,229 Views
Community Manager

2018 Community Roundup

The Microsoft Tech Community has grown incredibly rapidly! This year we reached 250,000 members, amidst other highlights such as new product releases, AMAs, contests, Microsoft Ignite and other events. It’s been an amazing year.

To celebrate, here's a countdown of the top 18 product news announcements, moments and conversations from the community in 2018. Thanks for being part of it!

 - The Microsoft Tech Community team


1. 250K Members

The community continues to grow at an extremely fast pace. In May, we celebrated attaining 150,000 members, and just seven short months later in December, we reached the impressive landmark of 250,000 members!


2. Microsoft Ignite | The Tour / Tech Summits

We’ve been hosting Tech Summit (from 2017-2018) and Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (from 2018-2019) session content in the Tech Community, which includes slide decks and videos to absorb after the event. We also announced the introduction of community meetings at Microsoft Ignite | The Tour.


3. Diversity and Tech

The Diversity and Tech Community increased its traffic (gaining more than 1,500 new members since June) through new conversations and blog posts about events such as the monthly Women ITPros call, the Community Mentors Program and Diversity and Tech sessions at Microsoft Ignite. The Microsoft Tech Community team regularly promoted Diversity and Tech activities on our social media channels.


4. Microsoft Ignite

The Tech Community was home to a total of 77 blog posts sharing news, roadmap updates, new programs and event happenings at Microsoft Ignite. Members can access all of the sessions for free on MyIgnite, which is now built on top of Tech Community. See the sessions on-demand here.


5. Windows Sandbox

A blog post published by Hari Pulapaka on December 18th in the Windows Kernel Internals Blog about Windows Sandbox has quickly become one of the most visited blogs ever on the Microsoft Tech Community. This blog post has received 380K views.


6. Community Events

In June, after absorbing Microsoft Technical Communities into our site in November 2017, we released an overhaul of our Community Events space, helping user groups to promote their events via the Tech Community.


7. AMAs

Starting the year with an immensely popular PowerShell AMA (Ask Microsoft Anything) with @Jeffrey Snover we eclipsed that popularity with popular Teams AMAs in the summer and in December (the latter with over 16,000 page views).


8. Intrazone Podcast

Now 21 episodes strong, @Mark-Kashman and the SharePoint team launched The Intrazone in April 2018, a bi-weekly conversation and interview podcast, highlighting usage, adoption and use cases. Each episode was announced and promoted with a blog post on the Microsoft Tech Community.


9. Microsoft Learn

Launched at Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Learn is an interactive, quick, and fun way to learn Azure, promoted in the Tech Community in the Azure space.


10. Microsoft Build

We shared a number of announcements from Microsoft Build in the Tech Community, in addition to blog posts about the event.


11. Teams Free Version

Microsoft Teams announced on the Tech Community, in a popular blog post, its availability in a free version including features such as chat, file sharing, and video calling.


12. SharePoint 2019 Release / Office 2019 / Exchange 2019 Release

In October 2018, @Jared Spataro announced the release of long-awaited Office Server 2019, alongside the subsequent launch of SharePoint Server 2019. Exchange Server 2019, and Skype for Business Server 2019, and shared this news directly in the Tech Community.


13. Microsoft Search

During Microsoft Ignite, the Microsoft Search community and blog launched! Microsoft Search is a new offering that provides search capabilities across Office 365 products.


14. SharePoint Spaces

A SharePoint blog post in October launched the new SharePoint Spaces feature, proving to be an asset to Office 365 users.


15. Microsoft Kaizala

During this past summer, we launched the Microsoft Kaizala community, adding a discussion forum for this popular collaboration application to the community toolbox for Office 365 and Microsoft users.


16. Blog Migration

Several blogs that lived on the TechNet and MSDN blogs are now hosted in the Microsoft Tech Community! Some of these blogs include: Visio, Enterprise, Mobility & Security, Windows Analytics and Windows ITPro, with lots more to come in the New Year.


17. New Communities

The Tech Community continues to expand, offering new product communities. Some of the most notable new ones this year, in addition to Microsoft Kaizala mentioned above, include Microsoft USB community , Microsoft Bluetooth community, Microsoft Healthcare Bot, and Small and Medium Businesses.


18. Online Interactive Guides

In late November, @michaelkophs updated our online interactive guides. Our previous iteration of the guides was regularly among our most popular pieces of content in the Tech Community, and the latest version has almost 2500 views so far.



Here are a few resources to help you get the most out of the Microsoft Tech Community in the year ahead!

Have a favorite moment from 2018? Let us know in the comments!

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Last update:
‎Dec 28 2018 04:47 PM
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