Hub for external use

Copper Contributor



For our business structure, I am looking into what is possible in Sharepoint to organize collaboration with external parties. So this question is more of a brainstorm than a problem.


We now share files with external parties via a number of channels such as Teams, SharePoint, Outlook,... . I would like to structure this on 1 dashboard per external partner.
We use a Hub internally on which our information pages are displayed.

I would also like to work with some sort of hub for externals.


Can external parties log in to a hub?
If so, could a dashboard be created on it with all relevant files (folders) spread across other sites?



1 Reply

Hello @Ronny Cornelis


a HUB is only a SharePoint site, you can also add external users. With search you can create a dashboard with all the related content, that the external user have access.


Best, Dave