Jun 23 2020 12:37 PM
Hi All,
I tried accessing this website to fill a form and i was asked to sign into my Microsoft Account using my work or school email, in which i did and i was granted access but then i end up viewing this https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Csf7VX_ltE2aBDiKkzjKlVKYA3yCioRIjuTmccn4OLtUNlUw...
" YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW THIS FORM''. TECHNICAL DETAILS: Session id: 13c954da-083f-4589-b017-df84539348d2, Correlation id: ff8baa2e-6e0c-4009-912c-0bd689b9a605.
please help how do i resolve this matter. i already contacted the organisation who created the form and all they could advise me was to keep refreshing the page and one day i will get lucky. i will really appreciate it if this can be resolved.
Jun 24 2020 01:41 AM
@Mary500 My students are having the same issue this week. Some forms I create are working whereas others don't load by others. I am using the same format, yet some load and others don't.