excel on network setup

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone,

I would like to find out if an EXCEL 2016 file which I developed can run on the server of a network being used by several users simultaneously.

The clients work on the server where the programs are installed. If I understand correctly like on a remote desktop of the server.

Now I would like to install my file on that server and allow every user to run it, also simultaneously. Is that possible, and which kind of version/license would I need for that?

Thank you for your assistance.


4 Replies

Hi @sailor-123


If your file is stored on a file server and not in a SharePoint document library, unfortunately you will not have the ability to do (real-time) co-authoring of documents.


You'll encounter the traditional locked file by a user and they must exit for others to use the file.




@Damien Rosario 

Hi Damien, thank you for your reply. I am actually not sure how the network setup works. it seems to me that the users are working through a kind of remote desktop on the server itself where the relevant programs are installed. The main application is a database. Would that be possible?

Hi @sailor-123 


Same rule applies unfortuantely. If it isn't stored on SharePoint, then accessing the file via Excel will only allow one user at a time.


If, however, your third party Database application manages the user interactions using the data in Excel, then it may be possible but you'd have to check with your internal IT team on your database applications features.


Hopefully the above gives you something to ask your IT guys and I would also encourage you to test out a copy of the doc on the remote server to verify what we've discussed. I suspect it won't allow co-authoring based on what I understand of your scenario.


Good luck and please do let us know how this turns out!


Best wishes



You may allow simultaneous editing using legacy file share, but not all functionality works for such variant About the shared workbook feature  

Didn't catch the question about licensing. That's per-user licensing of Excel (or entire Office), doesn't matter with which files they are working.