excel files taking way too long to save on network folder

Copper Contributor


we are on office365. Excel version: 


We have a few users working on  files in the network complaining taking long to open and very long to save.

Storage: QNAP NAS


Shared Folder is added as a Network Location (UNC) on the Users Computers.


File Path (UNC):  \\\Finance\008 Budgets\Budget 2022-2023\Cash Flow Budget

File Name: V1.1 Cash Flow Budget FY 22-23 (31.01.2023).xlsx

File Size:   6845KB/ 6.69MB

User 2


File Path (Mapped Drive): Z:\014 Cost Value Reports\2022-2023

File Name: 10. Cost vs Fees Tracker @ Jan 2023.xlsx

File Size:   951KB

Both users have many different folders setup as "UNC" and "Mapped", some are folders in our LAN & others are from other project offices

We notice windows file explorer scanning/trying to establish connection, which takes a long time. can this be a reason for being slow while saving.

Both users are on Windows 10

will changing to mapped drives make things better? how can we stop windows from establishing connection with the network folders?

What can we do to correct this?

We tried saving word files, PDF files with bigger size and they save instantly, its only excel files that are taking too long

Appreciate your help



1 Reply
Are there any folders which Windows fails to find (because they have been deleted for instance) mapped to drive letters?