Discussion - Updating our interface with Fluent touches


Hi Insiders. We have received a whole lot of feedback on the overall design of the next version of Microsoft Edge. First off, we would like to thank you all for the feedback that you have submitted.  We also want you to know that we are continuing to evolve the look and feel of the new Microsoft Edge.  You can see our progress in our new icon, in the changes to dark theme, on the layout of the settings pages and in the style of the controls that we have added so far. Our goal has been to modernize the next version of Microsoft Edge while keeping the feel of the original. In the five years since we released the first Microsoft Edge browser with Windows 10, the Microsoft Design Language has and will continue to change and adapt.  We have been evolving our user interface with this in mind and may be the first place you see some of these changes. We are planning on continuing to apply elements of the Microsoft Design Language to align with other Microsoft products.


We are thrilled with how much you think about the look and feel of the new Microsoft Edge browser.  As we dug into the feedback, we found different ideas lumped together into very broad buckets and felt like we needed to re-sort the issues into new categories that are more specific to the actual issues that were being discussed.  The previous categories that we have been reporting on are:

  • Update the user interface with the Fluent Design System
  • Make tabs more square and less rounded, like the current version of Microsoft Edge
  • Provide a transparent theme for the browser frame
  • The address bar and text are too large

The first step of this journey was to dig into each of the feedback items individually and understand what your ask was, and if there was a reason listed for the feedback.  This helped us better understand why you are asking for these changes.  The next step we took was to recombine the feedback and sort it into more specific buckets.  We understand change is challenging, and we are not changing our interface just to be different.  We have been working closely with our designers to get a look and feel that aligns with our Fluent Design language and meets our standards for usability and accessibility.  It is our goal for our design to be easier to use on a daily basis.  When you provide feedback, it helps us to challenge our assumptions and makes us reanalyze our conclusions.

Based on this analysis, we are seeing the following themes emerge from your comments: we will be tracking and following feedback in these categories going forward:

  • Ability to add distinct color or color themes to the main browser interface.
  • Add transparency or other material effect to the main browser interface.
  • The corners of the tabs and browser buttons have been rounded too much.
  • Make the tab band and address bar / toolbar smaller if device doesn’t support touch capability.
  • Update or add animations to user interface.
  • Add a reveal effect to highlight on mouse hover.

We would love to start talking about these items now.  Please let us know if you think that we are on the right track with the changes we have made so far. The most impactful feedback is that which lists the task that you are trying to accomplish, the challenges that you face while accomplishing it, and your ideas on how it could be made easier. Also, feel free to reach out if you think that we have missed something important here.  We will always take feedback and suggestions to help us make this the best, fastest, most productive browser possible.

479 Replies
Shompinice 's feedback should be noted. I want more native controls, the non native edge has a blurry UI. Chromium's blurry image, text and pdf rendering is another problem.

I said this before and I'm saying this now - i like nothing about chrome and everything about original edge based on EdgeHTML. New edge has precisely none of the advantages I liked in original edge. You can't mistake it for a UWP app that is built into OS. It is not great with touch response, the touch experience is not even tracked as a quality area.

Pretty sure if edge was forked, these things should have been on the horizon atleast, but now with chromium there are not even any exciting future plans. Nothing worth looking forward to has been announced.

Come on microsoft. Give us something.
Well, we can all appreciate Chromium's most powerful JavaScript engine (V8) and Blink engine, they are the best on the market, But, Edge legacy had the best UI and UX, the 2 need to be combined so have the best of both worlds.

I'm sure once WinUI 3 reaches stable status and gets more feature, Win32 programs such as the new Edge will be able to look more beautifully and more UWP elements will be available to them.
Microsoft should put up a warning that actual product may differ* from the advertised product because their engineering team failed to realise what their UI team had in mind.


-Microsoft claims it's ‘committed' to Windows 10 Mobile


Generally speaking, Microsoft will end the feature development in March, complete the RTM version in June, and push the official version in September. It is now less than a month before the deadline of 21H2(Sun Valley), and I think it is difficult for us to see real changes.

Probably the biggest change is the "alarm and clock"


I guess Microsoft’s design team keeps releasing the concept map to raise the expectations of users, in order to urge the engineering team to include UI improvements in the form as soon as possible. If you don’t do this, the change may be more difficult.

@HotCakeX  Same Here !!

The Big Design Is One Of The Top Reasons Why I Love Microsoft Edge


On Chrome The UI Is So small That Its Difficult To See On Bigger Screens ..


We Don't Want To Make A Copy Of Chrome And Other Browsers .....We Want To ALways Make A Better And Powerful But Easy To Use Microsoft Edge!! 

Exactly 100% truth!
Yeah, well now the fluent design elements, the icons are here in Edge, but the big thing is the UI that is missing those touches. and the fact that they denied the acrylic UI instead of just saying planned or not decided yet, is kinda worrying.

Alarm and clock app is just the begging @Shompinice

there are more changes on the way, if you want to be the first one to see them, join the insider program, Sun Valley is just getting started.

news articles from 2016 are no longer relevant in 2021.

NO. This is the latest achievement of Sun Valley, with a new design, especially the new toolbar and buttons. You will notice that the highlighting effect of the button has changed from "reveal" to "default"

This is a comparison of screenshots of the old and new interface

This is the proposal and discussion of the new design from the XAML/WinUI3 community
More parts of Windows 10 are about to get design changes based on Sun Valley
Not sure what you mean by "No" lol
like i said Alarm and Clock is not the only app that is getting design refinements, more apps and parts of Windows will get that
Boy am I glad this thread is still going (haven't checked it for months). The fact that Edge still looks like Chrome after a year is pretty sad.

@Elliot Kirk Please... DO NOT MAKE THE TABS MORE SQUARE!!! I absolutely hated Microsoft Edge Legacy (no offense, Microsoft, but it kinda sucked), and the design was one of its major flaws. Everything was so square and so sharp that it looked like it would cut your fingers off. DO NOT MAKE ANYTHING LESS ROUNDED. Even if you considered it, make it an option, not a mandatory feature. I absolutely hate straight, square, sharp interfaces. It makes me feel like I'm walking on razor blades.

dobry Tak popieram zmiany , ale proszę o uwzględnienie możliwości - zminimalizowania paska - kiedy nie jest potrzebny !
Daje do większy ekran a ja chciałbym
do mieć w kontekście , Tak uważam że każdy centymetr ekranu jest ważny i ustawienia powinny umożliwić ukrycie - zminimalizowanie lub powiększenie 

interfejsu aby dostosować według własnych potrzeb !

    dziękuję bardzo  

we want winui3 in edge.
Twój głos jest ważny - popieram !

By The way did anyone spot the new "View Site Information" Interface

It looks like this now


More Fluent And Easy To Use