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Group Owned Forms - Restricting Access
Hello, all. I have a group owned form. Lets call this "Training Log Form". The group lets call it "R&D". This is a well established MS Group with members, and owners. So each member can view this form, its outputs in excel are already linked to the SharePoint site that we use daily. This is all great, only one issue. Anyone that is a member of this group can edit the main contents of this form (questions, sections, answers, title, etc.). We have a collection of different document controlled forms (typically in excel format, setup as templates) and they are document controlled through our SharePoint system. How can I restrict access of who is able to edit these forms internal to this "R&D" Group? Any help would be great, thanks!CorbinFeb 18, 2025Occasional Reader19Views0likes2CommentsAdditional columns added to Form results in Excel
When viewing responses to a Forms file in Excel, it appears that if a question was edited in the creation process, each edit is it's own column. For example, in the attached screen shot you can see the evolution of the question. The last column (S) is the final question. Is there a way to not have the previous versions of the question (columns Q & R) appear?Daniel KronstadtFeb 18, 2025Copper Contributor6.8KViews1like5CommentsCan't create the excel file for Form responses
Hello, I have created a Form in a Teams Group and have a few responses. When I open to see the responses in the Excel file I can't create it. How can I fix this? This used to be no problem. The option to create an excel file is greyed out. Our solution depends on this excel file so I hope that this can be fixed soon. I have tried to create multiple forms to see if it will work and also located on my own personal user. It has the same issue.SarWizFeb 18, 2025Brass Contributor40Views0likes1CommentUnable to access forms home page
I am receiving (and have been for many months) this message when I try to go to my forms home page: '+t+"");var i=ut?ut.createHTML(t):t;if(se===ue)try{e=(new p).parseFromString(i,yt)}catch(t){}if(!e||!e.documentElement){e=lt.createDocument(se,"template",null);try{e.documentElement.innerHTML=fe?st:i}catch(t){}}var a=e.body||e.documentElement;return t&&n&&a.insertBefore(o.createTextNode(n),a.childNodes[0]||null),se===ue?,qt?"html":"body")[0]:qt?e.documentElement:a},Ce=function(t){return||t,t,f.SHOW_ELEMENT|f.SHOW_COMMENT|f.SHOW_TEXT|f.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION|f.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION,null,!1)},Fe=function(t){return t instanceof m&&(void 0!==t.__depth&&"number"!=typeof t.__depth||void 0!==t.__removalCount&&"number"!=typeof t.__removalCount||"string"!=typeof t.nodeName||"string"!=typeof t.textContent||"function"!=typeof t.removeChild||!(t.attributes instanceof d)||"function"!=typeof t.removeAttribute||"function"!=typeof t.setAttribute||"string"!=typeof t.namespaceURI||"function"!=typeof t.insertBefore||"function"!=typeof t.hasChildNodes)},Re=function(e){return"object"===t(u)?e instanceof u:e&&"object"===t(e)&&"number"==typeof e.nodeType&&"string"==typeof e.nodeName},Ie=function(t,e,r){wt[t]&&k(wt[t],(function(t){,e,r,he)}))},ze=function(t){var e;if(Ie("beforeSanitizeElements",t,null),Fe(t))return Ae(t),!0;if(F(/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/,t.nodeName))return Ae(t),!0;var r=gt(t.nodeName);if(Ie("uponSanitizeElement",t,{tagName:r,allowedTags:Ct}),t.hasChildNodes()&&!Re(t.firstElementChild)&&(!Re(t.content)||!Re(t.content.firstElementChild))&&F(/<[/\w]/g,t.innerHTML)&&F(/<[/\w]/g,t.textContent))return Ae(t),!0;if("select"===r&&F( I have tried a different browser, clearing my cache, and incognito mode. I'm unsure of what to do. Looking for any advice or assistance.msjonesFeb 17, 2025Occasional Reader11Views0likes0CommentsHow to import a Word document into a form with one click, and automatically set the answers.
My Word file contains a large number of questions, and the import failed. It requires format adjustment, which is very troublesome. Is there a simpler way to import?ryan12Feb 14, 2025Brass Contributor25Views0likes1CommentMS Forms collaboration feature is incorrect
There is a 'Collaborate or Duplicate' feature, that claims to allow another user to access form responses. Add collaborators > "Specific people in <organization> can edit and view result." However, access is denied to the user and they still need to submit a request to access. You can, however, find the responses Excel the form will write to your OneDrive and grant the user access there, which will actually work.ux0042Feb 14, 2025Copper Contributor16Views0likes1CommentHow to find the account owner of the Microsoft Forms
Hi, How can i check the owner account used to create the microsoft forms? I created a form a month ago, however, when i’m about the check the response, I can’t find the form in my account. I still have the link of the form saved, can I verify which account it was created using the link?saymoriFeb 14, 2025Copper Contributor42Views0likes1CommentUpdate MS Froms question via API endpoint?
We have a form created with a drop-down list of employee names and we are looking for a way to automate updating the list of employees in the drop down on the form. It seems there is no way to automate this when a new employee is added to the company. The user must go to form and edit the question response options manually. Is there no way to do this with Power Automate or Python and the requests library? Seems like a very trivial limitation. When editing the form via the website its a PATCH or POST request being sent over HTTP so I would imagine there is a way to accomplish this.jkdataFeb 14, 2025Copper Contributor31Views0likes1CommentForms: Time input question
In Office 365 Forms, I am attempting to create an event request form. I do not appear to be able to add a question for TIME of Day. I see a template for DATE but not TIME. In Google Forms "include Time" is an option for Date Questions in the contextual sub-menu. Is there someplace to add this function perhaps that I am missing? Ultimately I would like to add a script to the form that would auto-create an Outlook Calendar event on a shared calendar at the date and time on the form submission.William MattisonFeb 13, 2025Brass Contributor200KViews33likes93Comments
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