Issue with Windows Defender on Windows 11

Brass Contributor

I cannot open any of the settings on windows defender, when i try to it tells me to look for a compatible app in the Microsoft Store. Is this a bug or some other (fixable) issue?

445 Replies
What about you try to re-enter the following one with admin rights:
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage
@Little_Joe As I said, I already tried every single command in this thread and not only once.
But yesterday there was a new Insider preview update, let's see if anything changes with that command now... no, still unable to open SecHealthUI.
Had the same issues many many months ago - and must have tried 25-30times with limited computer IT experience & computers with low specs but it's worth perseverance!
You must be using Powershell & you must be using administrator permissions !
Enter:-(Copy&Paste) the following:-

Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage

It will eventually work :) Good Luck :)

@SteveF01Did not work for me
I have tried PowerShell, old PowerShell, Windows Terminal PowerShell... but it doesn't work on my system.
I tried an on place reinstall, but nothing (before I could see wheels settings and it crashed only when I tried to add a new app, now it crashes as soon as I open settings section) and I have the Defender problem after a clean installation (it worked with previuos installation, which was an upgrade of a Windows 10 installation)...


Brings back memories & frustrations I experienced over a year ago - I kept trying various methods of getting Powershell to do its thing I literally lost count & for a few days gave up on Windows11 ever working correctly- in the end I just continued a couple attempts daily and noticed Powershell opened differently with its Black Screen in admin privalidge and pasted the line into place but I then printed the same instruction line and deleted the pasted part - for some unknown reason it accepted the printed copy and has ever since appeared to be working ?
Don't give up & keep trying - its just a quirk with modern technology trying to adjust & keep up with changes that need to work on so many differing makes & models of Old & New Computers? It will eventually sort itself out for you I'm sure & once it does you'll enjoy the Windows 11
Meantime for computer Safety I'd recommend the Free versions of Malwarebytes Antivirus & the Emsisoft Emergency Kit Antivirus as backup protection till Windows Defender can work correctly ?
Then you have to try to upgrade to latest version of WIP Win11 build.
I did: it's a fresh new installation and I did an in place upgrade with the last available ISO too (as I said, now the Surface dial settings is broken again, as before the in place upgrade it crashed only when I tried to add a new app).
This fixed it for me. Thanks!
Took Me 25 to 30 attempts over several days - i have very little IT knowledge so can only suggest to keep trying - don't copy & paste is the point where it eventually worked and I guess I might have perhaps missed spelling parts or left spaces but anyhow it eventually worked our of the blue like magic - even on computers using insider Beta & officially declared as incompatible yet it downloaded and has worked this past year - it seems this same bug is still continuing a year after it first started & there are several other workarounds that apparently work for others so it's worth trying them all till you find the right one for you ? I assume you have the right updated BIOS whatever that is? I'm unfamiliar when people use alphabet letters of various processes so didn't understand what your last reply was about ? Even finding the correct Powers Powershell took Me several attempts & then the quirky writing of the words & characters & spaces till it eventually recognised it- copy & pasting simply didn't work for my machines and I was almost resigned to staying on Windows 10 - in many ways I wish I had not changed as the Windows 11 screen layout is so restrictive & task bar is terrible with its limited space on a single line & try to run anything more than 3 or 4vprogrammes at once will create screen freezes - thankfully I've a couple of windows 10 older computers and invariably I end up using them more often than the Windows 11 desktops - keep trying & good luck - but don't loose any sleep trying to upgrade - its simply not worth the agro ! All Best Wishes to you !

Many thanks@Francis_Powell - finally fixed it for me on a new laptop

Dude can u please tell me the exact command or anything related to that because it's asking me the same thing everytime I hit enter asking me to enter that whole thing again plz dude anything that can help me pictures or the full process or even reference cuz I really need it rn

@Asuka_Okami So I had the same problem since I upgrade from Windows 10 to 11, the problem is I have two users one is a normal user and another one as an Administrative user account, through the Administrative account I was able to access Windows Security, and then open the Windows Defender, what didn’t happen using the normal user, in the normal user it asks to install an App to open “windowsdefender”. so my conclusion is that Windows 11 limited Windows Security to be open only by Administrators’ accounts, but on Windows 10 I had the same users, and both I was able to open Windows Defender and make scans, now, through normal user account I only was able to open PowerShell as Administrator and execute scans using Windows Defender through the command line.

thanks a ton, worked perfectly

Hi @Francis_Powell 


After trying your powershell command, I got the following error:


-AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage Reset-AppxPackage : Package was not found. Windows cannot remove Microsoft.SecHealthUI_1000.22000.1.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe because the current user does not hav e that package installed. Use Get-AppxPackage to see the list of packages installed. At line:1 char:51 + Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Reset-AppxPackage], COMException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Comman ds.ResetAppxPackageCommand

What can I do now? 

@fggIBthanks for sharing this! I just upgraded to Windows 11 (Feb 2022) and my security app was "missing" as well but this command fixed it immediately for me!

Thanks! It works!
A little late but I just switched over to Win 11. Thank you. You suggestion for Windows Security worked for me.

@SteveF01 I have been trying that command in the Admin' Command Prompt but always receive the error 'Get-AppxPackage' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. 


Is there any way around this, as it appears that this error has never been ranked about within the forum?


Screenshot (6).png

Running Win11 - here's what worked for me.

Step 1.

Installed Powershell v7.2 from

(I installed the MSI)


Step 2.

Ran Powershell as administrator and entered:  Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage



Just try with this one it should works for most of cases: Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage