Issue with Windows Defender on Windows 11

Brass Contributor

I cannot open any of the settings on windows defender, when i try to it tells me to look for a compatible app in the Microsoft Store. Is this a bug or some other (fixable) issue?

445 Replies
This works like a charm for me too! Thank you!
Thank You, Very Helpful

@Francis_Powell  forgive me as I am not a computer technician. Although it's becoming more and more clear that I should need a degree in computer programming just to get this bloody thing to do it's job: compute. I digress.

Which PowerShell should I use? Windows PowerShell? Windows PowerShell (x86)? Windows PowerShell ISE? or Windows PowerShell ISE (x86)? oh and what the #$%^@#$^@ is PowerShell?

Reinstall using PowerShell Command
The problem is not new and has been reported by Windows 10 users as well when they upgraded from a feature update. The solution is relatively simple.

Open Windows Terminal and ensure it opens in PowerShell mode. Next, run the following commands

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

@RLSinRFV Legend. All good.

ty @fggIB worked like a charm

Simply awesome!!! Excellent!!!

It worked Thank you
For Windows 11 this IS the fix. Nice work
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage

ran that worked perfectly afterward thank you!
I had Microsoft Security completely missing from my apps and features. This method worked perfectly. As a reminder you should run PowerShell as an admin or you might get a access denied message.
Worked great! Thanks.
It worked for me, Thanks <3

@Francis_Powell Thanks it worked!

great fix thanks, hard to believe this is still an issue in march22@Francis_Powell 



this method works
thank you

Anyone who is facing this issue, make sure report it using the Feedback Hub app and also upvote the existing ones. Also try update the Windows.
thanq its worked
It's work for me, windows 11 22000.527. Thank you!