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Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

How to Bulk Convert HEIC images to JPG on Windows 11 PC?

Copper Contributor

Surprisingly, the photos taken on my iPhone 13 Pro are saved in .heic format when I connected it to my Windows 11 PC and plan to edit some of them in Photoshop. I have roughly 1000 images on iPhone and would love to learn a fast way to bulk convert .heic to jpg on my PC.


[Update] Still receive notification from this thread from time to time. Actually, I installed a few heic converters, the one that finally worked is TunesBro HEIC Converter, suggested by Mohamed857. Here is the step-by-step tutorial you can check out.


Note:  Be careful with the first link suggested by KorayKazak. User mldobbs62 reported that he has been charged $39.99 by SoftOrbits Convert HEIC to JPG.


tunesbro heic converter success.png


Also tried iMazing Converter but the conversion failed on my computer.


imazing converter error.png

45 Replies
I recall transferring images before as I have them on my PC and didn't need a third party app so I guess that's a yes. just like Apple to make things difficult and expensive it's their way. I wish I had kept my Samsung/android it wins hands down in every department and rooting just brings the cherry to the cake. Apple is a confined phone makes you feel like your in prison only you pay for the right!
Did you transfer the images to your PC before trying to convert using imazing! , I had no issues what so ever working and converting direct on PC I'm not sure it can convert from iphones directory viewed from your PC I think it best to transfer images before you convert.
for future reference in case your not aware or any one else you can switch your iphone to save images in jpeg form instead of HEIC though it does say HEIC is slightly better quality! though I personally can't see it with naked eye. I'm happy with jpeg so I switched.
To change it open Settings on your iPhone
Tap Camera.
Tap Formats.
Tap Most Compatible.
you can switch back High efficiency at any time should you prefer.
You will now be able to take JPEG pictures instead of HEIC from now on though its best to remove your HEIC photos first so you don't mix them up you will also shoot H.264 for video instead of HEVC.

@HolawayStay away from TunesBro HEIC Converter.  It works fine if you are converting a couple dozen photos, but I needed to convert a couple thousand.  You can't convert more than around 80 without the application locking up.  There is a terrible memory leak so have each tiny batch of conversion, you have to restart the application because it never releases memory.  Poorly written and not user friendly at all.



Thanks for the tip!  I downloaded the free iMazing Converter for Windows from  and I was able to quickly & easily convert the HEIC files I downloaded to my Windows 10 PC to JPEG files. Much apprecidated!

@Josephnyz  TunesBro had a free trial but could only load 5 files at a time.  Purchase price is about $30.

Imazing downloaded quickly for free and handled the file batches (I've only tried about 30 files at a time so far, not sure yet if there is a limit)


The export button doesn't exists in my Windows 11 photos app

@JosephnyzThanks for the update. Saved my life. Converted 200+ heic images from my iPhone 15 Pro and no problem with tunesbro heic converter. Wasted two hours on trying the free online converter without any luck!

@Dayoldmeat I don't agree with you. It's unlikely that your computer will get stuck after transferring 80 files. If so, then your computer's configuration is too low and too old.  I have been using Tunesbro HEIC converter for 4 months. I purchased it for a lifetime. On my computer I often convert hundreds of HEIC photos at once. The conversion only takes 6 minutes, basically one file per second, and the computer does not freeze!



@Steve_Felix  It has nothing to do with my laptop.  (Which is under 2 years old)  The software is crap and I can't believe I paid money to use it.  I could watch the memory usage for the "bro" software grow and grow as I converted pictures.  I couldn't do more than 80 or so at a time without locking up.  My photo's were larger than yours as well.  


iMazing is free and worked AWESOME by the way.  I thought the iTunesBro software would be easier to use and take less time.  Boy, was I wrong.

@CitizenSmith -- Thanks for suggesting Imazing Converter. I had been looking for a HEIC --> jpg bulk conversion tool, and had tried several options, but this worked great. Even left the "date taken" intact which was important to me.

@KorayKazak he was asking about conversion software, not viewing the images. The link you had is to software that doesn't work unless you pay for it. failed on both answers, you must work in IT

I've successfully used DarkTable to convert them to jpg. No cost.


Same here - there is no "Export" in the menu in Photos. I have Windows 11 also. I would also like to know if we can batch convert; doing a thousand HEIC photos one at a time is not what I had in mind. 

I would like to use your first option, using the built-in Windows 11 features. However, when I select multiple photos and try to open them in Photos, it only opens one. Then, there is no "Export" option, and if I choose "Save As" I can then save a copy of the photo as a jpeg file. But this is going to be extremely tedious if I can only do one at a time. Also, then I am left with the heic original and the jpeg copy, which is clumsier than I was hoping.
By getting a piece of software that's 1,9 out of 5 stars? Thanks but I'll pass



Best way I know is upload to iCloud, open the Photos tab, and select the download option as JPEG.



Alternatively, on your iPhone, open the OneDrive folder in Files containing the HEIC photos.  In the folder in Files:

- select all the HEIC photos

- select the three dots in a circle in the lower RHS; select convert Image.


Sometimes copying from Photos in the iPhone app and pasting to the cloud storage folder autoconverts to JPG.


@CitizenSmith Apple users don't have to do any of this. HEIC images are the same quality but half the size as a jpg. All the iPhone user has to do is select "most compatible" as the file format for photos and it will save photos as jpg from then on



I clicked on the link to this product your stated was good, I decided to try it so I purchased what they advertised as $3.99/mo. I enter my credit card and received a download that wanted me to purchase something else. I couldn't get any download regarding the app I thought I was purchasing! They charged my credit card for $39.99 NOW I have to figure out how to get my money back! Thanks for a referral to a SCAM APP!


I you have any suggestions as to how I can bet my money back I would greatly appreciate it!


Michelle Dobbs

@mldobbs62 Thanks for the update. Do you purchased the HEIC to JPG Converter from SoftOrbits?

