Tech Community Live: Windows edition
Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

KB5034441 fails to install with error code 0x80070643.


Feedback from a long time patcher here:

The manner in which this particular update has been handled has been poor in my opinion. The update is only being pushed out to Windows update or Windows update for business and is not on the Microsoft catalog nor WSUS. So this update has been pushed to machines that I would call "lightly" managed or "unmanaged".  Some of these impacted machines have no TPM chip nor do they have bitlocker installed so the need for this update is nil.  


The communication thus far has been to instruct us to manually attempt to resize partitions which are not easy to do for anyone, and particularly not for a lot of machines.  There are few tools that I can see that let us know if we're going to hit this issue other than to attempt to install and see if it fails.  The PowerShell script is not something I'd have my 95 Dad want to do to his machine, let alone me wanting to do it to a bunch of machines at the office.


We're now at Friday, right before patching weekend and may I request a lot more communication and perhaps someone going back and adding in detection into the patch to at least not attempt to install on machines that have no tpm chip and do not have bitlocker installed.  These machines are not at risk.


What you are asking your Microsoft patchers to do with this update is not acceptable and not attainable by your Windows 10 patching audience.

52 Replies


I found a new really bad windows problem or bug. Windows PIN login breaks the recovery partition administrator password and this has happened to many windows users. After two days of research, I found a way to fix it. The whole idea is a local user account that is not linked to a Microsoft account or user accounts under the domain name.


The recovery partition where i can't login is fixed by creating a new local user account. The system administrator's right is given to the local user account and it works as a backup if the other options fail to login to the recovery partition. After this, you can log in with a Microsoft account, but you must not enter the pin code, you must select "i Forgot my PIN". After this, the password option, if it is not visible, select "Other ways to log in". After the password, open the Microsoft app authenticator on the iPhone and accept the login. After this, you will be asked if you are sure and then click "Cancel". Windows 10 login opens with the Microsoft account password.


After that, go to windows settings and search for user accounts settings. The access rights of the new local user account must be changed to normal user. After the change, the same user account is changed back to system administrator. Pada ping Bada pum. Recovery partition login with password starts working again. These changes copy the login passwords to the recovery partition.


I don't want to delete the new local account because windows can do the same thing again and the password will stop working again. I don't know exactly in what situations the recovery partition password stops working, but I found a way to fix it. The recovery partitions of many Windows 10 computers are totaly useless because the password doesn't work at all. I think this is Microsoft's fault and not the user's fault.

@Arto_Montonen   :)

Thank you for the information!

@Susan Bradley  I had the same issue.  I hope the solution I stumbled upon helps others.

When updating windows KB5034441 I would get error 800070643 with no installation.

Thing I have tried, the did not solve the issue.
- increased recovery partition to 1.93MB (in stages)
- windows troubleshooter - updates
- restart computer
- SFC /scannow
- DISM.EXE /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Nothing worked!

note: Recovery partition must be immediatly after C: partition
Make recovery partition 1GB by:
use DISK MANAGEMENT to shrink C:
Use GPARTED boot to expand Recovery partition into space created by shrinking C:
note: Disk Managment is must faster at shrinking that GPARTED
Open CMD in administrator mode
reagentc / disable
reagentc / enable
Try the update again. HAZZA! Update installed.

I hope this helps someone in the future.


My PC C drive went into a bad state, something corrupted and windows got stuck in boot loop error 0x000021a. The reason may be a corrupt windows registry file. I already sent feedback to Microsoft about Windows 10 problems because the password didn't work in the recovery partition. The crap flew into the fan and I have to reinstall everything again. A new windows 10 installation is the only option.

6 SSDs go bad at the same time. Raid controller fix mirror raids, but C drive is not mirrored. That take about one day. D and E drives are ok because mirror raid saved them. C drive errors cannot be corrected. The internal program of the Raid controller corrects the errors, but it can take a really long time depending on the size of the hard drives. RAID has been developed for systems that must always be on 24/7. Another place where you can see this problem is the hard drive's read and write LED, which flashes or stay on constantly. This means that the RAID controller is working and correcting errors and this happened to me.


IMG_1848 1.JPG




This will appear on the screen, just for a few seconds when the PC starts up. Of course, the recovery partition passwords didn't work because of the bug I already mentioned here. The problem is actually much bigger and both are Microsoft's own mistakes.



This version is the free version and please do not accept the updates, because after that it will cost money to use the program. This program version can be difficult to find, but works free if you need to increase the size of the Revocery partition, but the required space must first be reduced from the C drive first.


2024-03-25 (1).png


Disk 4 is not in the same RAID controller. Disk 4 is in RAID controller but, not the same one. The motherboard has two different raid controllers.


This program can be used if you want to increase the size of the recovery partition.


I will also put a RAID 1 system on drive C when I can buy new disks for it. I have to buy two hard drives. The second disk is a mirror (real-time copy), but i need this program and now i have it.


If RAID is failed, the PC can be booted into a mode where programs not start and the internal program of the RAID controller still works all the time. This can be done by forcing boot from the bios to a floppy that does not exist and disabling all other options. The Raid controller still does its job and when the hard drive LED will no longer light up then the Raid controller has finished its work. It may take a day or two.


Picture from my raid controller bios:


RAID10 was already on my mind. 4 similar drives can be set to RAID10 mode where read and write speed is doubled. The space is only twice the size of one drive, but both drives have a mirror drive. Because of this, there must be 4 drives in RAID10. The same speedup happens in RAID0, but with a much higher risk, because all data is lost if one hard disk is messed up. I have one RAID10 in use. Now I'm considering doing another RAID10 because of all this that happened to me.


I login on to my own Windows 2000 server I don't use use microsoft account pin code login. Since Windows XP, I have only used the 2000 server login option.

Thank you! Works perfect

@DmBer  Totally sad Microsoft hasn't fixed this update issue.  The least they could do is update the Windows 10 media creation too by adjusting the partition size of the recovery drive.  Then the issue will not exist when installing a fresh copy of Windows 10.  Guess that would take a thought process by someone at Microsoft.

i have 546mb recovery partition and it failed and with the same error code 0x80070643 for kb5034441

Thank you howzat.
The MS app was easy to use and it found KB5034441 and removed it. It also removed it from being listed in the Settings> Update & Security> View update history - Select
On the 8th April 2024, KB5034441 was listed as an optional update. I chose not to install it! I then successfully updated the major (March) WIN 10 update on both a WIN 10 Pro and WIN 10 Home device . Then I successfully created a USB Recovery Disk.
On the 12th April 2024, I updated both a WIN 10 Pro and WIN 10 Home devices with the April Cumulative update. I noticed that when I created a USB Recovery Disks it took a substantially longer for each device to get to the create button. It also took substantially longer for the finish button to appear. I have no idea what the back ground processes do, but being optimistic MS might have recognised and fixed some or all of the issues listed in this post. KB5034441 fails to install with error code 0x80070643
After the April Cumulative update. was installed
Sign into the WIN 10 admin user
I used Control Panel> Administration Tools> Disk Clean-up app to delete the large amount of redundant WIN 10 update files. After the Disk Clean-up app is run for the 1st time there were files which consume tens of megabits. Clean up system files button - select. After the Disk Clean-up app is run for the 2nd time there were files which consumed up to 6GB, which can take up to a hour to remove.
I created USB Recover Disks (as administrator). This can take up to 2 hours.

Installing the 4/23 19045.4355 preview build doesn't seem to fix, in case you're thinking of trying that.

I'm guessing someone posted somewhere in here, but this fixed for me. Follow along very carefully and if you're not sure, don't do it.
The Instructions in this link surely allowed me to install kb5034441 on the machines where it was failing before, but i always ended up with winre.wim on my C:\ drive and not in the newly created recovery partition, leaving that one empty and useless ???
in order to actually use the resized recovery partition i had to addtitionally do step
6b: assign letter R
(7. exit)
7a: mkdir R:\Recovery\WindowsRE
7b: copy C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim R:\Recovery\WindowsRE\
7c: reagentc /setreimage /path R:\Recovery\WindowsRE /target C:\Windows
(8. reagentc /enable)
reagentc has to find a valid winre image for the command setreimage to complete and thus being able to re-enable winRE using the new recovery partition.

after completing those steps i retried to install kb5034441 successfully and confirmed the recent change date and different filesize of the winre.wim

also i'd recommend removing letter R from the WinRe partition after confirming a working recovery.