Nov 11 2017 08:45 AM
problem after updating to new build 17035 BADֲ POOL CALLER and green screen count 100% and reboot
already uninstall programs that are no necessary check disk health and more
build 17025 was having another problem that fixed (volsnap.sys replaced with old version of the file)
any idea
Nov 11 2017 08:49 AM
Nov 12 2017 09:13 AM
Nov 12 2017 09:16 AM
Nov 13 2017 09:44 AM
I have the same problem, constant crashes with this build with bugcheck 0x000000c2 (0x0000000000000004, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0xffffc702dfb44008)
Nov 13 2017 03:10 PM
Iv had a similar problem. I get a BSOD approxmently 10mins after boot. This just after the volsnap.sys BSDO/GSOD issues. I hope there is a similar fix or workaround as I don't see how I could get an upgrade installed with such a lack of stability.
Even more than a fix or work around for this issue. We need a way to upgrade from not within the failing OS. Currently the windows installer will only upgrade from within the previous install. This is fine for slow ring or release ring but fast ring we need the ability to upgrade to a later release from a place of no stability. Basically we need an upgrade option from the media creation tool installer.
Nov 14 2017 10:28 PM
I too get this exact GSOD. (BAD POOL CALLER) - It randomly crashes, and i had to roll back to 17025. I now have the issue that now 17035 is (downloaded) and is waiting to install (again), and i can'r remove it from Windows Update !)&!#?!.... And it keep nagging me.
Can anyone tell me why 17035 doesn't appear in the feedback hub? - I can only see messages and announcements until November 1st, nothing further is shown?
I agree that this is a huge issue, because even after rolling back to 17025, i cant find a way to remove the downloaded 17035, and i relly want to skip that build, and go on to the next as if i install 17035 my system becomes so unstable that i can't download and install any "next" build..... 😞
Nov 15 2017 08:36 AM
Nov 15 2017 11:43 AM
Wow that sucks....This is not right ....come on Microsoft please help usa.....
Nov 15 2017 12:50 PM
Nov 15 2017 01:15 PM
hi to all
did any one uses forticlient installed before upgrade
it stop the bsod after uninstall and reinstall it(not 100% i uninstalled more unused apps)
but now for sure no more reboots
Nov 17 2017 09:55 AM
I have been having these same troubles for a week, but today they finally released build 17040, and the download seems to be going just fine after rolling back to 17025.
Nov 18 2017 02:26 PM
Nov 19 2017 02:05 AM
Same here stucked with 17035. Tried to roll back but windows says It cannot rollback but I didn't remove previous versions.
syster restart few minutes after restarting even during login.
please ms help!
Nov 19 2017 06:45 AM
Able to roll back to 17025 than update to 17040.
now all is working fine
Nov 20 2017 11:10 AM
Have the same thing, and that on a Surface Pro 4.
Can you imagine. System keeps on looping. No way to get it out of it and restart / Recover
Nov 20 2017 11:18 AM
Nov 20 2017 11:38 AM
How do you select build 17040 to install,
my SP4 reboots within 20 seconds after startup with a dump.
There is ampel time to start recovery
So how do I loop out of this freakin build in 20 seconds.