Connector Compatibility Issues with Updated Microsoft Teams

Copper Contributor



We have been successfully using our app connector for several years without issues. However, since upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft Teams, we have encountered significant functionality problems that were not present in the older version.


While the connector continues to work flawlessly on the older version of MS Teams, it fails to configure or remove connectors in the new MS Teams. Additionally, the webhook functionality is also non-operational.


We have noticed missing context values such as 'teamName' and 'teamId', which may be contributing to these issues. I have attached screenshots below for your review.


Old MS Teams context

Old ms teams contextOld ms teams context


New MS Teams context 

New ms teams contextNew ms teams context


Furthermore, we are experiencing problems with the microsoftTeams.settings.setSettings() function from the @microsoft/teams-js library, which does not seem to operate correctly in the new MS Teams environment. It is unclear whether this issue is related to the saveEvent.notifySuccess() function or if there are other underlying problems preventing the settings from being applied properly.


Many of our clients are expressing their frustration due to these disruptions. We are eager for your assistance and look forward to your swift response to help resolve these issues.


Best regards,

11 Replies

Hi @Aiden_Kim - Thanks for raising the query.
We will look into it and let you know the updates.

@Dinesh-MSFT What's the status of this because I am also dealing with the same bug and there is no work around to fixing the connectors

Hi @Smonnahan
Sorry for the delay in response.
Could you please confirm if you are using incoming webhook or outgoing webhook?
Also, could you please share code snippet of how you are getting the context?
 So that we will look into it and let you know the update.

@Dinesh-MSFT - I'm using the connector from Teams which is an outgoing webhook but managed only through Teams, not through the application and it broke with the New teams


Unable to edit those connections now

And this documentation is not updated that I could find:

Hello @Smonnahan - Thanks for your inputs.
We will check on it and let you know the updates.
Are there any news on that? @ChetanSharma-msft @Dinesh-MSFT

On my side we are having similar problems with the office 365 connectors to MS Teams

`teamId` is not returned anymore as part of `settings.getSettings()`

Could we get away without a `teamId`, i.e. are there guarantees that a `channelId` is unique inside a tenant without needing to resort to a `teamId` to achieve unicity.

Thanks in advance,
This is severely hindering some processes, can you give me an update here. Or show me how I should do these differently and how I can update pre-existing connectors??

Hello @Marcos_Almeida_360 - Sorry to ask but just wanted to clear how you are checking the channedId value?

As per documentation here:

I can't see any parameter related to teamId or channelId.
We can see only below values:


Settings interface - Teams | Microsoft Learn

Could you please share the steps so that we can quickly check and try to resolve this issue?


Hello @Aiden_Kim - Could you please confirm which Teams client library and Teams client versions you are using?

Starting with TeamsJS library v.2.0.0, APIs in the settings namespace have been deprecated in favor of equivalent APIs in the pages namespace, including pages.getConfig() and other APIs in the pages.config sub-namespace.

Please refer this documentation:
I am so sorry, I meant `getContext` just like in the topic:

It should return a context object:

It returns a teamId

Before, we were getting a teamId along with a channelId when setting up a connector.

This made sense as the channel you set your connector on appears under a team on the UI; now we are NOT getting a `teamId` anymore.

Hence my question: can we consider that the channelId is unique for all channels in all teams in a tenant or this is a bug a we would need to have a channel and a team Id to know exactly where the connector is setup on.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Marcos_Almeida_360 - We are checking this issue with engineering team and let you know the update.