Show only items for current user

Copper Contributor

I have a SharePoint list with a view wich display only the items for the current user, I noticed that Microsoft added a button to clear the filter which means that users can clear the filter (Me) and view all  items. Is there another way to prevent the current user from viewing elements created by other users

2 Replies

Hello @khedidja90 


with your solution, every user can see the other elements.


When you don't want that, you need to use item level permissions, here are more informations how you can do that with Power Automate:


Please attention about limits and boundaries:


Best, Dave

Sorry to suggest something if you've already tried it, but if you go to the List Settings, Versioning, you will see the 'Content Approval' option. If you change that to 'Yes', you'll see the 'Draft Item Security' changes to 'Only users who can approve items (and the author of the item). As long as the Site Owner doesn't 'approve' the item, it will remain visible only to the author and the Owner.