Managing meetings

Iron Contributor

I hope someone can help me to get me to the right direction which part of Office365 I can use for my usercase.


Once a year our head of our schools is having a conversation with al the principals from the schools. There are a couple of time slots available for those meetings. I want that the principals can reserve such aspot and after that reservarion this spot is booked and not available for the other principals. I can do this with a Shared Excell List but I think I can do this more user friendly.


Is there some app  in Office365 that can do this? Or a lead so I can make this in SharePoint?



2 Replies

One easy way to do this is by creating a Room/Equipment mailbox, then ask each of the principals to send a booking request, just like they'll do with any other room. You can add yourself as delegate to prebook some slots and accept/deny requests if needed.

Hello Vasil,


Thank you for your answer.

This is a solution. Only I am looking for something more vusuals. I want that they can see wich time slots are available and then click on such slot.


Yesterday I played some time with I think I am goining to use this service.

