Stay on top of Office 365 changes

Silver Contributor

There are lots of great resources for Office 365 change management but finding them all in one place is more difficult.  


Inspired by @Brian Levenson post - 'My favorite Office 365 roadmap resources' I have written a TechNet Wiki article called the Office 365 Change Management Survival Guide. Its aim is to bring together as many resources related to Office 365 changes and updates as possible.  Many of them will be well known but there are some hidden gems as well! 


Did you favourite resource make it on the list, are there any glaring omissions? I'd love for this to be a go-to resource for Office 365 change management.


Hopefully, this is of interest, the article is only a day old, so there will be further improvements going forward.  By the way, for those interested and that like this format, there is also the Microsoft Teams Survival Guide and the Enterprise Mobility + Security Survival Guide.  All of these are on the TechNet Wiki and are open to the community.

3 Replies

Very informative...

Great stuff!!! Thanks Cian

Excellent work and resource, @Cian Allner!   Really appreciate you including the links to my content as well :)