Nov 15 2016 08:30 PM
I am reporting on Office 365 groups and have some questions on one of the fields. I exported the data using PowerShell. I am curious how the "when changed" field is calculated? Is it when a file is uploaded or changed or when the Notebook for the group is updated? I assume this is the same date that is used the calculate the expiration of a group. Is there more information on what is used to determine a group is inactive?
Nov 15 2016 10:55 PM
I remember to have read something about this, but It's not clear to me how this date is calculated: if based on SPO activity or EXO one. Adding @cfiessinger @TonyRedmond
Nov 16 2016 01:19 AM
WhenChanged has nothing to do with group activity. It indicates the last time that the AAD object for the group was updated - for example, when a property was amended.
To check for activity, you have to look elsewhere. See for information (and a script that you might be able to use as a base).
Nov 16 2016 07:54 AM
Thank you! I know Microsoft is rolling out the expiration of groups. Does anyone know if the logic is based on the same criteria of the AAD object being updated?
Nov 16 2016 09:00 AM
It won't be based on the AAD object being updated. It is based on activity within a group.
Nov 16 2016 11:16 AM
That makes sense. Any activity or just specific activities like sending an email or does it take into account all activity even something simple like an update in Planner?
Nov 17 2016 05:45 AM