Using eDiscovery Preservation Hold on Groups SPO site?

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Tried configuring a Preservation Hold on a SharePoint Url belonging to a Group to see if that could be a way to protect documents/files from beeing deleted from a Group and if that would stop the group from beeing deleted by an Owner.


2016-11-16 14_36_56.png


It seems to have worked half-way, deleting/modifying items creates a copy of the file in the PreservationHoldLibrary where it's read-only.


But it still possible to delete the Group from the Outlook-UI and it results in a orphaned SharePoint site that I cant access (gives 403) and not take ownership of using for example PowerShell (Get-SPOSite -Identity | Set-SPOSite -Owner results in an Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Common.SpoException) :(


It seems that I still can do eDiscovery searches to get the items out from the site so that could be a way of getting the files out of the site later on.


Is it only the Exchange Mailbox that is supported in Groups eDiscovery or is also SPO-sites supported?

1 Reply
Niklas preservation and deletion policies on our roadmap will simply things, see this presentation from Ignite: (starts around 49min)