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How to fix QuickBooks error 6190 after update window?

Copper Contributor

Troubleshooting Solutions : QuickBooks error 6190


QuickBooks error 6190 typically occurs when there is a mismatch between the company file and the transaction log file (.TLG). This can happen due to various reasons such as network issues, multiple users accessing the file simultaneously, or discrepancies in file permissions. Below are several troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:


  1. Update QuickBooks to the Latest Release: Ensure that you are using the latest version of QuickBooks Desktop. Intuit frequently releases updates and patches to fix bugs and errors, including error 6190. Go to the Help menu and select "Update QuickBooks Desktop" to check for and install any available updates.

  2. Run QuickBooks File Doctor: QuickBooks File Doctor is a tool provided by Intuit to diagnose and repair various company file-related issues. Download and run QuickBooks File Doctor from the Intuit website. Follow the prompts to scan and repair your company file. This tool can often fix error 6190 and related issues.

  3. Check for Single User Mode: Ensure that no other user is accessing the company file in Single User Mode. QuickBooks error 6190 can occur if the company file is being accessed in Multi-User Mode while another user tries to access it in Single User Mode. Coordinate with other users to ensure everyone is using the correct mode.

  4. Verify Network Connectivity: Poor network connectivity or interruptions in the connection between the computer hosting the company file and the workstation accessing it can trigger error 6190. Check the network setup and ensure that all devices are properly connected. Consider restarting your router or switching to a wired connection for more stability.

  5. Rename .TLG and .ND Files: Renaming the transaction log file (.TLG) and network data file (.ND) associated with your QuickBooks company file can sometimes resolve error 6190. Navigate to the folder containing your company file, locate the corresponding .TLG and .ND files, and add ".old" to their file names. For example, rename "company_file.qbw.tlg" to "company_file.qbw.tlg.old". This action prompts QuickBooks to create new log and network data files when you next open the company file.

  6. Use QuickBooks Database Server Manager: QuickBooks Database Server Manager helps manage multi-user access to company files. Run the Database Server Manager on the computer hosting the company file to scan and resolve any issues with file access and permissions. Ensure that the company file folder is listed in the folders monitored by the Database Server Manager.

  7. Restore a Backup: If all else fails, restoring a recent backup of your QuickBooks company file can help resolve error 6190. Choose a backup file created before the error started occurring and restore it using the built-in backup and restore functionality in QuickBooks.


By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve QuickBooks error 6190 and regain access to your company file without further issues. If the problem persists, consider contacting QuickBooks support for further assistance and guidance tailored to your specific situation.


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