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Form embedding does not display correctly - on going issue unresolved
There have been a number of posts over the past year regarding the issue where embedded forms do not load correctly inside webpages, especially on mobile. Once the form is embedded it displays the field as basically a giant hyperlink button that then takes you to another page, it may as well be just an oversized share link or Here are links to previous unresolved posts MS Forms - Embedded form not showing on webpage, shows MS Form fill in - Microsoft Community Form embedded in web page don't open directly in mobile browser - Microsoft Tech Community MS Forms: embedding a form into a web page - Microsoft Community Form Embedded on website not displaying correctly on an Android phone - Microsoft Tech Community The first post was over a year ago and the issue still persists, I have spent sometime going over each of these trying the supposed work arounds but it still does not work. Yet I can easily add google forms embed link to which there are absolutely no issues what so ever on my page We're trying to keep everything in house, but it makes it difficult when there are known compatibility issues that appear to be having nothing done about them5.9KViews2likes1CommentCreating a more specific search if replace function.
I have an issue were I'm merging two databases. Our database lists all mobile numbers as starting with 04 The merger databases majority of numbers start with 61 the area national code. I need to use a function or formula that will change the 61 to 0 in all numbers that start with 61, however if 61 is somewhere else in the number that has to remain, I only need to change the first 2 digits to 0 IF they actually are 61. This is why a normal replace or search find replace isn't sufficient. This way I can run a duplicate search so I'm not adding logs already listed in a our current database.822Views0likes1CommentHow to setup assignment submission notifications for tutors
Seeing as Microsoft Teams does not have any sort of notifications for tutors when students submit assignments you will have to make your own one using a flow. You will have to set a notifier for when a file is added to the submitted file -> student work folder for your share point site. Of course when a student submits work their file is added to the folder which will trigger the notification. Once you have selected the folder and then 'create a new flow' you will need to select 'When a file is added in SharePoint, complete a custom action' The custom action can be set to use the flow bot to message the right tutor within teams when one of their students has submitted work, you will see this when setting up the flow. UPDATE: Be sure to read the comment section as the method below is not the best, refinements can be made Flow example setup details below The method is a little bloated at best but it will notify the tutor as to which student made the submission and in what class along with time and a few other details, it's basically the best that can be done that I can work out at least. Below is the notification the tutor will receive once a student has made a submission The only way I could get the student name to print was to tag the directory as well, its not easy to make out at first but you get used to where the name will show up. It beats making a separate flow for every individual student. If you have multiple classes you will have to create and name a flow for each class, I had to make about 30 of them (You can re 'save as' a flow once its made as another name and just edit it slightly for another share point site without having to recreate from scratch) It does have a few quirks sometimes one being that if the student undoes their hand in it will adjust the directory again and notify the tutor. You can adjust the notification to show more information to identify this, (Funnily enough you can get it to show the students name clearly on a undo hand-in, but not on a hand-in submission only with the directory link) Thanks to Kerry Enns for coming across this in 2018, I found a way to improve it slightly and though't Id make an official post about it, especially seeing as it doesn't look like there will be a proper notification anytime soon.7.4KViews2likes5CommentsEmbedded Quiz/Form Interactivity Intermittent and Buggy
The Stream video interactivity feature that allows you to embed a quiz or form into the time line of a video does not always work or is very intermittent at best. Our students we have a video hosted on streams that they're to watch, only about 5% of our students actually had the quiz pop up while watching the video with the rest having it pop up with 'loading' and then disappearing or not having anything show up at all, despite having the time stamp indicators on the time line as to when the quizzes are scheduled to show up. Even for myself as admin when I watch the videos in streams, regardless of where I am or the internet connection, sometimes the quiz will pop up, most of the time it won't.Re: Teams Private channel read only permission
If you have a document library within Teams referencing a sharepoint location you can manage the permissions for individual folders or individual persons. You could have 2 folders one for in progress and one for the finalised work, finalised having only view options for members If you have a number of people other than yourself set as 'Owner' for the team then this may not work out for you Accessing the permissions can be achieved by opening the directory in share-point clicking the 3 dots (Show Actions) on the folder you want to adjust permissions for, then clicking details, a panel will appear on the right hand side where you can select 'Manage access' under the 'Has Access' heading, a number of other options can be found here also.5.1KViews0likes0CommentsNew Channel Assignments Tab Option for all channels
The recent update to the Teams channel system and being able to make private channels is excellent. However having the option for an assignments tab for each new channel would make even more sense now too. At the moment we have about 28 Teams when we should only really need about 4-5. Our classes have groups but because only the general tab can have assignments we have to have a different Team for every group of a class, it makes it difficult to keep track and it clutters the list in Teams as well. Being able to have a Team of people in Channels with each channels own assignments tab would make things easier.Solved
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