SharePoint Online List switch to Microsoft List

Copper Contributor

Since few weeks ago my user is viewing the lists of my SharePoint Online with the UI (User Interface) of Microsoft List instead of the SharePoint. I think this is related to the announcement of Microsoft to switch to the experience of the users to List instead of SharePoint, as explained in this link:

But I am facing the problem that the views are not similar and show data, specilly text in different ways, thus causing a disruption in our work.

The main issue is how different both systems show multiple lines fields. While SharePoint UI adjust the height of the row to the content of the field, Microsoft List have a fixed height, thus not showing all the text.

Here is an example. This is the view with SharePoint UI:


And this is the view with Microsoft List UI:


Anybody else with the same problem? I hope either Microsoft allows an option to decide whether we want SharePoint or MS List UI, or modifies MS Lists so that multiple line fields are shown completely.

Thanks for your help.


10 Replies
Ive not experienced this problem myself, however a possible solution could be to utilise a related list containing the linked items rather than hyperlinking items in a multiline text box, using a one-to-many relationship may also improve the data structure for the child items

Thanks Josh for your reply. The issue happens also if the text does not have hyperlinks. The problem is with the height of the row, not the content itself. Here is another example:

This is how MS List shows the row:


This is how SharePoint shows the row:



I see, in that case I would suggest formatting the column using JSON or CSS to auto adjust may take some research I have not tried this myself but have seen it done before
Ok. I use JSON to format other columns. Didn't think about using it in this case, as it was not needed before when my user had the SharePoint UI experience. I am gonna ask copilot for the code :) Will keep you updated. Thanks again.
Copilot would be my first stop I look forward to hearing the solution

I have just found out that in another view of the same list, the multiple line field shows completely. O_O

I am thinking the problem is connected to the JSON formatting I am using in the other view :(




@Josh_Wickes Hi Josh. I think there is an issue with using JSON to format multiple line fields. It shows all the HTML code embedded in the field :(


Forgot to say the field uses enhanced rich text.

That's not ideal, I have previously used json to add a hover function that reveals the full text that could be an option. Unfortunately I don't have the code on hand as it was a previous role
This issue is related to MC600726
Microsoft SharePoint: Updated Lists in Team Sites, Lists progressive web app (PWA), and Teams. These improvements will NOT reach Lists that have been configured with these features:

• SharePoint Framework extensions
• PowerApps forms
• Approvals
• The Playlist template

FIX: Creating a SharePoint Custom List Form-PowerApp on the list will restore the list to the prior SharePoint UI View. The custom list Form-PowerApp has to be published and enabled for the views to remain in the SharePoint UI. This is only temporary as the update to include the four exclusions above is in the works.
Is there any way to retain the SharePoint UI with form experience without customising form in PowerApps?
We absolutely hate the new UI. It is so buggy and can't stand that tiny pop up form experience and want to roll back.