Mar 07 2022 04:09 PM
I'm pretty new to managing SharePoint online and I'm feeling like I've been thrown into the deep end of the pool and I don't know how to swim!
A customer of mine has signed up for SharePoint ONLY via Office 365. They want to use it with their existing gmail-hosted email. They don't have any other Microsoft tech in place. No AD, no Exchange, no Azure, etc.
I've read most of the docs and watched most of the courses on LinkedIn Learning and I'm still lost. Everything seems to assume you're using AD, Exchange, etc.
The customer was a "power user" of Sharepoint at a previous company but has no experience as an admin. And the previous company was a full Microsoft shop so everything just worked. She has manged to create a Site that works for her but when she tries to share it, nothing works. She's got some users in there with the "" email and some with the company's real domain at gmail. Thus far, nobody that we've tried to share the site with can log in and see the site. So, my biggest question thus far is how to add users and share a site with them.
Here's a more specific example: when I log into the existing SharePoint site and click on the Membership link in the top-right I see two users listed as "Guest". However, in the SharePoint Admin Console, when I click on that Site, those users are listed under Site Members on the Permissions tab. I don't understand why that is the case. Also, I can't edit the list of users that's under the Site Members heading. Where do I add or delete users from a Site? Under 364 Group Owners and Additional admins there's a Manage link, but there's no such link under Site owners or Site members.
Finally, for now, when a user goes to the Site link and then creates a new Microsoft account that should give them access but there's a step at the end where it says it's requesting permission. I assume that's via email? And if so, what email address? The site owner has one of those email addresses in the system and she never sees these emails. Do I need to switch her user name in the 365 admin center to match her real work email address? Can I edit her user name and domain without breaking what she's setup thus far?
Looking for advice and links to documentation for this configuration.