Were you able to retrieve the Resource Name value in Power automate? Need help

Copper Contributor

I am seeking a way to retrieve the Resource Names (from the project online) in Power Automate, where I can use the respective email IDs to send out an automatic email for the respective task assigned using a planner. 

3 Replies

Hello @Geetha_R ,

What endpoint are using using in the Odata API within your Power Automate flow? The ResourceName property is in the Assignments and ResourceDemandTimephasedData endpoints, have you used these? To get the ResourceEmailAddress you'd need to use the Resources endpoint, you can join to this using the ResourceID property. 


@Paul_Mather Thankyou for responding to our query, could you please guide us more on this? 

Hello @Geetha_R ,

I think we'd need to understand more details to help further. Did the first reply not help you get the Resource Name?
