Custom Search Folders in New Outlook

Copper Contributor

Does anyone know how to create Custom Search Folders in the new Outlook? 

At this point I only see a couple of standard searches. 



In the previous version of Outlook used Custom Search Folders: 

1. To create a folder of messages with a specific Label

2. To create a folder to find all messages sent on a specific date. 


Does anyone know if  this is possible? 

Or how I would go about to use the two described filters? At this point I also can't seem to be able to filter the inbox on Label.

2 Replies
The New Outlook still has limited support for Search folders, more improvements are supposedly coming:

Search Folders


· Follow-up (Flagged)

· To me

· Unread mail

· Unread or for follow-up

Support for more functionality: Planned
Thank you for this reply.
Do I understand correctly that there is a page somewhere online, which lists the improvements that are planned? If so, I would really like to know where I can find that :)

There are quite some features missing from the new Outlook, that regularly used. Maybe I can leave feedback there as well.
Thank you,