Dec 16 2016 08:09 AM
Currently, if I share office file(excel, powerpoint, etc.) to guest, there are no download option, even with editing permission.
Am I right?
This makes great barrier with co-workers.
They might want to co-edit with the same file, but frequently they also want to download office file and send copy to their client also.
If I am working with only my co-worker, this should not be a problem, but in realiy I have to work with co-worker's co-worker. In this case, just sharing copy will be better in many case.
I had many problems till now not having download option with guest sharing link.
This is must feature, IMHO. Especially with guest 'edit' permision link.
Dec 16 2016 09:52 AM
No, there is not such an option.
I believe there is a similar request in Uservoice: you can vote for it, if you want.