ODFB is slow while saving or making changes to a document

Copper Contributor

Hello Everyone,


Hope I find a solution here. 


I have a strange issue going on where a small word document is taking ages to save it back to OneDrive for Business. The file is pretty small with only single sentence. I tried all the below solutions and nothing worked. 

note: using latest OneDrive for business versions and Word 2016(V1808 and Build: 10730.20380). 


1. %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset

2.  Stop the sync and re-sync it again. 

3. clear the office cache from "16" folder. 

4. Repair MSoffice365 proplus 

5. Repair Microsoft OneDrive

6. Cleared cache for "office upload center". 

6. Uninstall and re-install OneDrive


and Finally tried by "unchecking" → "use office applications to sync office files that I open". 

note: If I do in this way then it will save immediately. However we completely loose "AUTOSAVE" option. We don't want to save it manually every-time and we want AUTOSAVE feature to be available. 


Not sure how to fix office upload center or ODFB. Need to determine exact solution for this. Please provide your thoughts on this. 


4 Replies
I’ve seen often this problem when to many are sync locally and saving taking hours.

Is file located in OneDrive or SharePoint?

Is OneDrive configure with File-On-Demand?

How many files are sync locally? (Total including OneDrive and SharePoint on demand or not)
Files don't save locally when you open them and you are online. Can you open the File directly via OneDrive/SharePoint website library using "Open in App" option and does the same thing occur?

I do know that they are launching or have launched de duplication on files, maybe it's causing issues with speed? Has this ever worked or has it just started recently?

@Chris Webb . This was happening for the first time and we have recently enabled with OneDrive. This is happening with me and one more user. And weird part is that, even with single letter word file is not working at all. 


I am using Windows 10 Enterprise with 16Gb RAM and I5 processor. 



Yes, the file is located in OneDrive for business only. 

Yes, OneDrive is configured with Files-on-demand. 

No, I am using only OneDrive for business latest sync client. I don't have any SharePoint files. I am syncing only 2 files.