Teams external access is not working

Brass Contributor



Please i need your help on this issue.


One of our 1 (nagan) she is unable to send a message to one external user (donal) and receives the message that Donal needs to accept the chat request before she can send the next message.



Donal did not receive any message to accept/block prompts).


But Donal is still able to send messages to Jean but this is a one-way communication. -see image



External sharing/chat is already enabled, and chats were flowing normally until the morning of 4/24/2024.


I tested with my own account and was able to establish 2-way communication with Donal.





1 Reply

Hi @MikeJohn1710,

try to clear the cache on Nagan's Microsoft Teams client:
Clear Teams cache - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

Nagan can also sign-out and then sign-in to Microsoft Teams and check if the issue still persits.

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Kindest regards,

Leon Pavesic