Org Wide Teams Issues

Iron Contributor

Is anyone else having strange issues creating Org Wide Teams? Here is what's happening in my tenant.

  • We have 2 Org wide Teams
  • I used "New" Teams desktop app to create a new Org Wide team (I'm global admin)
  • The action appears to work
    • However no members are added automatically
  • When go to settings under manage team, there is no padlock
  • When I click in edit, the privacy shows "Private" instead of Org wide
  • If I go to classic teams and go to manage team > settings > edit the privacy shows as org wide but still no members are added automatically
  • Viewing the team in Teams admin ctr shows the privacy of the team as "public"
  • users can search for and join the team (which is not at all what I'm trying to do)

Is anyone else getting this erratic behavior for Org Wide Teams?

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