Only owner of the Team to start the meeting call

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


Because of the Covid break-out I can no longer teach my students face to face. The schools here are closed and we have to teach using computers and the internet.


I noticed that Microsoft teams worked very well for this, and thus I started to make classrooms in teams. There is one thing that I do not understand, so I hope someone can help me with this.


The people in the Teams Classroom can all start a conversation with the rest of the classroom. This is unhandy because I can not guarrantee the safety and wellbeing of my students when I am not in the call aswell. Is there a setting that prohibits the students to call for a meeting, and only allow the owner of the Team to make said call?


I would like to thank you in advance.


Kind regards,



32 Replies

@SvenBakker Hi, I'm a student. I have this problem where my teacher put me in a breakout room but even though she made us owners of it we can't start it ourselves. She has to start it for us.

@MDPtusd No, Unfortunately! 

2019 is nearing an end, tens of updates for MS Teams yet this issue hasn't been fixed! Microsoft doesn't even mention it!



Could you restate the issue, there are lots of answers above and they meet every scenario I can imagine. For a long way up you wanted to prevent People using Meet Now to create a channel meeting, that's a setting in the Meeting Policy called "Allow Meet Now in Channels".


As I understand the issue...

In a team, set up for classroom use, it is possible for students (team members) to sschedule or start and ad-hoc meeting without the permission of teh team owner.


This creates a scenario where students may be meeting online, using school provided technology, and issues around online bullying etc. may arise. 


@ChristianBergstrom I have seen the answer to this is a setting but that setting usually lives at the district level in the IT department.  Our IT department can barely help with simple issues (yes, it is as insanely frustrating as it sounds) and have pretty much ignored requests or suggestions for what could make Teams run better for us.  I'm hoping there is something Microsoft can do to bring that setting down to owners, maybe overriding whatever a district has in place.  Considering this program was born to be used in the workplace, I can't imagine that there would be anything that would be risked by giving teachers all the settings they need to run their classes effectively. 

Sorry to hear that, but as the support pages say.

”IT Admins play a crucial role in setting up safe policies for students and educators in Teams for Education. We've broken down the best practices in this guide with explanations for different policies and configurations.”

@BDoran that is incorrect, as stated a Teams meeting policy applied to Students will prevent them being able to start these 'meet now' meetings.


@MDPtusd it is also the default behaviour if your students are assigned the profile for students. 

@SvenBakkerhow to make a temas  meeting  without being a teacher 

@adam deltinger 

Hi! This is determined with meeting policy’s:


The problem of Policy packages is that it divides the people in organization to teachers and students. It may work for academic educations but in my organization, a trainee is sometimes a trainer in online vocational trainings and the roles swap. On the other hand, the change of policies takes time and it is not done instantaneously.


@SvenBakker is there really a safeguarding issue if your pupils can talk to each other? Don't they talk at school?

Talking of students to each other is not a problem. The problem is that when a teacher (who is also the owner of team) starts a meeting and another student starts another meeting. Then, there will be a few parallel meetings and this is very confusing for the other students which meeting to join in. In other words, the organizer is not necessarily the team owner.

I think the solution is that when the owner restricts posting messages in a channel, there should be another settings for the restriction of meetings. At the moment, when I restrict posting messages in a channel to team owners, the meet button is removed from the channel for members in Desktop app but it still exists in android apps (maybe it is a bug).

I was trying to edit teams policies, but that is available only for organization admin, who is not me. I just want to edit 1 team that i am the owner. In the team options, there is a Manage team -> Settings -> Member permissions menu, it will be very nice if there is a setting that say "Allow members to start/schedule a meeting" yes/no. Just that. Waiting for!
Yes, that is a good idea. I think you should post it on