Browser Meeting - Missing Chat

Steel Contributor

Hi all,

Some external people when join through a browser are missing the chat option? They can see the participant button and share icon but not the chat icon? 

14 Replies
Hi @David Gorman,

1.) Are they joining the meeting from a different tenant than their own?
2.) Are they on Teams only in their environment?
3.) In the meeting policies in the Teams admin centre, in Meeting Policies > Participants and Guests, is Allow chat in meetings set to off?

Look forward to hearing from you

Best, Chris

Best, Chris

Hi @Christopher Hoard 


They're all connecting from personal email accounts. Most are accessing from Gmail accounts.


Some see the chat option and two users didn't. Both are from GMAIL accounts but other users were connecting from GMAIL too.

Are they guests in your tenant, or purely anonymous users which have just been invited to the meeting?

There is a uservoice open for it here

Do the people who can chat with you have a free instance of Teams, or are guests or your tenant whereas the people who can't chat are completely anonymous users who were just invited to the meeting?

Best, Chris
I setup a scheduled meeting.
Invited the people via their email address (not their tenant email address).

All used Edge to connect (not desktop app). 4 could see the chat icon and send a message. Two couldn't. The chat icon was just not there.

I'll check my tenant and see if they were added as guests and the other users weren't

@David Gorman 
Thank you for your explanation. 
it is 2022 and this Problem is still there, that the browser application is not able ( sometimes) to show the chatbox to the user. 
User : is a person who was invited (e.g. for an interview) to an meeting inside our tenant. 
Screenshare and camera are working, but not chatbox visible for the user!

@Christopher Hoard Just fix that problem please , every other application can do such stuff ( slack, discord, steam, etc..)

this is really exists , interviewer company has a team account and assume Guest don't have company account please allow chat by default , crazy you are not allowing guests to see chat messages

not about browser even in Teams app also same problem exists

@David Gorman we getting this recently for a number of people joining the call. When looking at it, they are going through the start menu to get teams and it's opening in a browser. It's showing all the icons in the centre/bottom of the screen, but the chat one is missing and there doesn't seem to be any way to turn it on.

This is a really basic function that we need and needs to be fixed!

Is there any followup regarding this issue? I have attended a job interview on Teams. The interviewer assumes I received something from them and I see nothing on my screen. I can't see any chat icon on my browser screen too. Please fix this. Why on Earth such a simple feature is missing and buggy?
Just confirming that this bug still exists: chat does not exist for users logging into Microsoft Teams via the browser (not the app). Any idea on when this might be fixed?

I also see no chat button although my business partner in the same room has it.

I faced the same issue during an interview yesterday. Although the interviewer was sending a message via chat, I had no chat button to open the chat and view the messages. I was invited by the interviewer using a meeting link and I joined the meeting via Chrome.
The bug still exists. Hope Microsoft fixes it soon.

@Hemant_Patel_SAIC June 2023 - Chat is not showing for me and others in a group meeting (via MS OS > Chrome Browser). Seems to be a hit or miss these days