Questions missing when I preview form

Copper Contributor

A few of my questions are missing when I preview the form. While I am in developing mode, they show up fine. Any ideas?

35 Replies

I found that deleting the last question displayed before I am missing questions worked.  I then added it back and everything was fine.  For example, it only showed the first 5 questions of about 10.  I deleted question 5 and went to preview.  Everything showed up.  I went back in, added the question and moved it to the number 5 spot.  Everything showed up in preview just fine. 

I have the same problem. Questions missing in preview that are visible when developing. But even worse when sent only the 3 in preview are present. I have tried some of the suggestions from earlier posts: I deleted the last question in the preview, and then rechecked the the preview and everything was there. I recreated the question and then all the other questions no longer showed up in the preview nor in the sent form. This seems very buggy.

Maybe a solution for others also... we customized the theme to the color 'white'. Because of the font being white by default for all buttons..... you don't see them anymore. *DOING*

Deleting the last question worked because it had a branching attached to it
The questions are missing because of branching. To fix it, select any question or at the right side of the section click (...) and choose "Add branching". On each question or at end of each section you should see Go to "Next".
If you see any other "section" or "End of the form" in Go to field, all questions between the selection will be skipped in the preview(user View). Hope it helps someone who is still looking for a solution.

@rajesh_gm thank you! Your branching solution worked for me! 

@rajesh_gm Thanks for your tip. While it did not work for me, it did give me the idea to move my branching question to the bottom of my survey. Once I did this, I was able to see all of my questions in the preview. 

After the 1st question add a new question with branching and with a required answer. Now the Form worked for others.

@Billy Ivey I've got a form will 11 questions (not branched) but on preview and completion it only allows the completion of 6 questions. Questions 5+ are in a separate section but no idea why the questions don't appear from 7 onwards? I've tried deleting questions and re-adding; changing required status and removing - none of these make a difference. I've had this issue for a number of months and very disappointed that as a Microsoft software service, such a simple function really shouldn't be this difficult. 

Thank you! THIS WORKS!

For the last question you see in the preview, edit it in the developer mode and make sure conditional branching is set to Next, not End of the form.

Thank you ! Been trying to fix this for days !

I followed your instructions, deleted the last question I could see, reentered it and then hit preview ... and repeated over and over, deleting the last question I could see, until they all eventually showed in preview.

Finally ! Thank you !

Hi @Damien Rosario ,

I have questions that are related to each other but we didn't do them via branching but are still unable to see all the questions in preview. We issued the questions and some people were able to see all questions and some weren't. Thoughts?

Hi @jdiazarch 


Not sure at all. Personally, I have not experienced the issue yet. There's a sort of workaround above that someone suggested which might help, though it will be repetitious.


I know you haven't used branching, but maybe for the sake of being thorough go into the branch settings and check that all questions are configured right. I like to leave no stone unturned!


I don't know if this works, but maybe copy your form so a new duplicate is created and see if the duplicate has the same issue. If it doesn't, then maybe revert to that copy if possible?


If you find a solution from the above ideas or via some other way, please let us know. 


I suspect others in the forum will be keen to hear if someone finds success!


Best wishes


Amazingly, this bug is still prevalent in 2024, coming up to 6 years after this was posted.

The deletion of the last question, previewing, and re-adding fixed the form for a user.

This was my issue. Absolute Champion!