
Great! Are there any plans to allow syncing libraries from other companies? E.g. a library from another tenant is shared with me and I want to sync it with NGSC... Thanks Christian

If I'd move to Linux I'd be prepared to write some utilities for myself. In OneDrive you can use
Now, on a realistic note - the number of users on that platform is quite low and the focus is rather on the other ones.
Until something like this will appear in OneDrive Admin Center, maybe something like this can be used:
I banged my head into the wall with this one for a while. In the end switching browsers fixed it for me. For some PCs switching from Chrome to IE was the fix, for others it was switching from IE to Chrome!

@Paul Youngberg wrote:
I banged my head into the wall with this one for a while. In the end switching browsers fixed it for me. For some PCs switching from Chrome to IE was the fix, for others it was switching from IE to Chrome!

What do you mean "switch." I am unclear how the browser fits in to this scenario. Temporarily change the default browser? Simply open up the other browser?

I'm also interested in the future of the Mac desktop sync client updates... any clue as to when the ability to sync shared folders will be rolled out?

Yes this. @Stephen Rose the context menu "Get a Link" is absolutely must and is sorely missed. In absence of this, users have to go online and go through a convoluted process of getting a link via web interface!

@Peter Liang wrote:

I'm also interested in the future of the Mac desktop sync client updates... any clue as to when the ability to sync shared folders will be rolled out?

+1 Peter

Missing this feature as well. Our org has started to open up for Outlook Groups, for projects and smaller teams but unfortunately thouse on Mac's (several 1000'sn) cant use the sharepoint sync feature.

ODfB work great with in the st.alone client (thanks of that btw) and there is a "hack" (not so great) but it does not work in my case.

In Safari, When you hit the sync button -> sync now, in SP Documents folder it asks you for permison to open ODfB client, but you dont get the option to select the folder and sync it to you Mac.

in Chrome it does not open the ODfB client.

Just noticed an announcement in our admin message center (dated 5/8/17) about upcoming improvements to the "sharing experience" for OneDrive for Business (specifically mentioning the sync clients).  Does anyone from the community know if this might have anything to do with the/my eagerly-awaited Mac desktop sync client shared folder functionality?

Tune into the SharePoint Virtual Summit tomorrow where we will be demoing this feature and annoucing the rollout dates!

Aha!  Thanks for the info.  Had to look it up... in case anyone else is interested:


Fingers crossed...

@Abhimanyu Singh wrote:

Yes this. @Stephen Rose the context menu "Get a Link" is absolutely must and is sorely missed. In absence of this, users have to go online and go through a convoluted process of getting a link via web interface!

@Stephen Rose Any update on the right-click context-menu "Get a Link"? I am yet to hear anything on this. This functionality is most essential for our users.


My users keep complaining of the convoluted process of getting a direct link to any file where they have to open their OneDrive or SharePoint library in browser and use the "Get Link" there.


The new "Share" option in the context menu shnown in the Virtual Summit yesterday, doesn't cut it for getting those links quickly enough. The new "Share" option will open up the dialog for sharing options in a window with embedded web interface which will be slow and frustating. We want that old "Get a Link" option back which was lightening fast and gave the direct link (relevant people) straight away without going through the hoops.