Nov 17 2023 10:00 AM
I have a table not acting right.
My worksheet is formatted to (Align Left, Increase Indent x 1)
When I enter new date in the next row the table, for some reason, the table is adding an indent to all columns (for a total of 2).
I have a total of 3 tables on one tab that work fine. tabs and only one is not working correctly. I reached out to technical support and they have no idea how to help
Thank you in advance for your time.
ea why its happening and how to fix.
Nov 20 2023 05:13 AM
SolutionNov 20 2023 01:35 PM
Nov 22 2023 12:08 AM
@DRCRAWL Behind the scenes, Excel stores information about the table, which includes a "default" format and formula for each individual column. You change these defaults by changing the entire column (except the header) at once.
Nov 20 2023 05:13 AM