range reference without visual borders

Copper Contributor

HI everyone,

When I copy a cell from a different book, the selected range is not showing with borders only shows the range in the formula bar only as shown in the photo below.

Any one can Help?



3 Replies


Display or hide formulas

The display of formulas can be controlled, detailed information in the link.


Hope I was able to help you with this info.



I know I don't know anything (Socrates)

Thanks for your response, but unfortunately, still facing the same matter
In your picture, for example, I cannot see where/what exactly the problem is.
With your permission, if I can recommend. It can helps if you upload an Excel file (without sensitive data), no picture. Even if it is said that a picture can say a thousand words, it is certainly not in the case of Excel, on the contrary in some cases. You could get a precise solution much faster with a file (w/out sensitive data). This would also be a blessing for all of us, as we can understand the problem much better, a win-win situation for everyone :).

Thank you for your understanding and patience