Please help!

Copper Contributor

Hi, I need help with a value cell column in which I am attempting to change the number in the drop down box to 3. The drop down box when you click the arrow button is from 0-1 and prefer to change to 3. I have tried different ways. How do I do this, please help?  


(3 pt Max)
1 Reply


It sounds like you want to change the options in a drop-down list in Excel from ranging between 0 to 1 to ranging between 0 to 3. You can achieve this by modifying the data validation settings for the cell that contains the drop-down list. Here is how to do it:

  1. Select the cell where you want to change the drop-down list options. In your case, it is the cell containing the drop-down.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab on the Excel ribbon.
  3. Click on "Data Validation" in the "Data Tools" group. This will open the Data Validation dialog box.
  4. In the Data Validation dialog box, under the "Settings" tab, look for the "Allow" dropdown menu. By default, it might be set to "List."
  5. Change the "Allow" dropdown menu to "List."
  6. In the "Source" field, enter the list of values you want in the drop-down list. In your case, you want values from 0 to 3, so you can enter "0,1,2,3" (without quotes) in the source field.
  7. Make sure the "Ignore blank" option is checked if needed.
  8. Click "OK" to apply the changes and close the Data Validation dialog box.

Now, when you click on the cell with the drop-down list, you should see the options 0, 1, 2, and 3 in the list, and you can select any of these values. The text and steps were edited with the help of AI.


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Hope this will help you.

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