Help on using Excel to show feedback for an individual

Copper Contributor

Hello! I don't know if this is possible in excel and I am fairly new to using Excel. If anyone has any advice on how to accomplish this

What I want is to create a table that changes based on a dropdown menu. The dropdown would include names of employees in training, and I want my table to show assignments and results/feedback on how they did on those assignments. The dropdown can be changed to a specific reps name, and then I want the "feedback" column to update with feedback for that specific employee that I have on a different sheet containing all the feedback/data. It seemed like I would need to use the IF and VLookup function but I can't seem to make that work since the IF function can only show two results and I have 6 people in my class. 

Thank You! 

2 Replies


You can nest IF functions, or even better, the IFS function supports multiple conditions and results. See IFS function 


I'm not sure from your description, but it seems that you may need to use the FILTER function.  See the attached workbook for examples.