form tool and drop done list

Copper Contributor

Hi !

I am using the excel form tool and I would like to know if it is possible to have the drop down list directly on my form ? Like this ->

Capture d’écran 2023-05-17 124807.png


Sorry for my english and thanks for your help.


5 Replies


Unfortunately, the data form cannot be customized in any way.

Former Excel MVP John Walkenbach had a more advanced data form that does provide dropdown lists, but it is only available in English. Let me know if you'd like to try it.



Hello rob, thank you for your answer

Yes, I am interested


See the attached file. It contains an Excel add-in (.xlam) and a text file with instructions.

Thank you rob If you come to Paris, let me know, I will offer you a beer.


Merci bien!