Fill Excel Calendar from a List

Copper Contributor

I have a list in excel of monthly recurring events. Column A contains the event name and column B is the day of the month that it occurs (1-31). Some days have multiple events. I would like to create a calendar from this list that will automatically update as new events are added to it, that way we are not re-entering it every month. Is there a formula I can put in one of the monthly calendar templates that will accomplish this? I understand it can be accomplished with recurring appointments in Outlook but we are looking for a different format. 


EventDay of Month
Event A4
Event B9
Event C15
Event D9


I'd like the end result to show "Event A" on the 4th of every month, "Event B" and "Event D" on the 9th of every month, and "Event C" on the 15th of every month. I'd like to use the "Any year one-month calendar" template.

20 Replies


  1. We need to be able to put a date range Start Date - End Date.
    • This was already created by/for another poster on this thread - see attached
  2. We need to be able to include the year of the event, if recurring annually be able to plug it in without a year.
    • Attached includes the year.  Recurring annually is a problem because how do you "plug it in without a year"?  if you type "Jan 12" it will assume a date and apply this year.  Not saying this isn't possible but not sure on what format/input style to use because entering 'dates' for the date range makes that easy but makes recurring hard.  Entering day and month separately makes date (and year) ranges harder to enter.  adding another column for repeating is yet another option.  just not sure what makes sense here.
  3. A formula to highlight certain events a certain color.
    1. Is it easiest to use Conditional formatting or IF-Then formula?
      • Formatting can ONLY be done using Conditional Formatting (or manually)
    2. If event has spans over multiple days or bleeds into the next month, how would that look?
      • How would you want that to look?  I could see adding conditional formatting rules but this could get complicated.  Maybe just a few key 'categories' maybe?  In attached I added column for 'category' and conditional rules based on 'family', 'social' and 'business'
    3. How do we get that range to highlight in one color throughout that timeframe?
      • Again not sure what you're thinking and I would highlight the specific event not the whole day so overlapping events don't cause issues. Example in attached.