Mar 26 2024 10:26 AM
I have a formula that checks another array to see if a cell is empty before running however this is spilling past where I am telling it to check and displaying a #N/A error. How do I get it to stop spilling past the rows I am asking in the T4# array. Here is the formula.
Mar 26 2024 10:30 AM
Could you attach a small sample workbook demonstrating the problem (without sensitive data), or if that is not possible, make it available through OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox or similar?
Mar 26 2024 10:42 AM
It would be much easier to help you if you had uploaded a sample file. Please do so so that we can see the data layout and what is what. From what I can see there is 100% a dimension problem. You are trying to input "" when a cell in T4# array is empty and 2 values from the sortby(...) function when it is not.
Mar 27 2024 05:11 AM
It is saying the xlsx file is not supported when trying to upload it. Any suggestions?@Maciej_Kopczynski
Mar 27 2024 10:01 AM
Mar 27 2024 01:28 PM
It's not clear what you'd try to do with
If in T4 is returned the array with no elements (empty array), Excel shall to show #CALC error in T4 since empty arrays are not supported.
If in T4# is an array with empty texts ("") above works if only you have only one element in such array.
If more than one, what we'd like to check - if all elements are empty, or some, or first element only, etc.