Spring Update 2020 is in Public Preview!


Today we have announced public preview of our next update which comes with several improvements. See here where Brad Anderson and Julia White summarize our most exciting capabilities:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2020/04/30/enable-remote-work-faster-new-windows-...

Get started by navigating to the Azure Portal and search for Windows Virtual Desktop. Our PS module is also available in PSGallery as part of Az module. The ARM API reference is available here - https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/tree/master/specification/desktopvirtualization/resour.... Our documentation is available here - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/

Note: Existing object created using GA tools will not show up on the portal. You will need to migrate them to ARM object. Migration tool (under implementation) will be provided by the WVD team.

Known issues:

This is the list of open issues we have that will be fixed soon:

  • Assign a user directly to a session host using the portal (mitigation: uses PS cmdlet)
  • Enabling and disabling of validation environment property doesn’t work
  • Export template from creation wizards not working (mitigation: for hostpool template, navigate to hostpool->properties->download template)
  • New-AzWvdWorkspace – at present you need to provide all properties for the PS cmdlet, else it fails - Name, ResourceGroup, Location, Description and Friendlyname
  • Not all doc links on the portal redirects you to the right document location.
64 Replies



To confirm, Is Windows 7 Enterprise supported in the spring update?


Thank you,



The Azure portal create VM flow does not support creating Win 7 VMs and registering them to the hostpool. You can create an empty hostpool, register the desktop appgroup, manually create Win7 VMs and register them to the hostpool using this method - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/create-host-pools-powershell


I love the new integration into Azure Portal! Is there any documentation out there on how to integrate ADFS-based SSO?
It’s strange that it’s a cloud upgrade and the migration is not automatic. I have never heard of a cloud upgrade where the agents don’t auto discover the new cloud version.

Can you name some azure services that force customers to do this manual migration?
Why was this not reported on azure uptime portal? Is there a page for WVD uptime that shows all the gateways and if they are up and healthy?
Yes. And it was not reported as being down... even though it was most of the day which is well outside of their SLA


The status page for WVD is a joke - looks like nothing wrong happened in the last 90 days. WVD team is always - "Overpromise and underdeliver"






When will europ be available as location?


Resource group is in Europ but location is US only?



what is the ETA on this?

Existing object created using GA tools will not show up on the portal. You will need to migrate them to ARM object. Migration tool (under implementation) will be provided by the WVD team.


And why is this not done for customers. I dont get this. 

Well its public preview, so i imagine when it becomes general availability this will be a more established and maybe even automated process. Similar to the differences found between WVD public preview and its initial general availability release.



So Microsoft release an update on there product but not the tool to import. Also let me remind you. We or paying customers. So why did they not do it at the backend for the customer. It is called customer service. 


Thanks it was helpful

@Pavithra Thiruvengadam Just came across this post today to migrate existing objects to spring update and looks good. Just wanted to ensure, if these are official and recommended steps or product team will be bringing something else that would be easier and quicker way to do it?


Looking forward to the ARM migration tool 🙂

Will you post on here once available or a new discussion?

Hi @acalvert!

I guess this already helps you to perform the migration with the WVD Admin GUI: 



I hope this helps! It was very useful to me!



Hi @bhushangawale @PavithraT ,


you can check out the WVD Admin GUI from Marcel Meurer, it already supports an easy way to securely migrate to the ARM based Management UI! Here you can find how to get going: 



Let me know if this helps!



Thanks, getting that installed now 🙂


Quick warning to anyone who is preparing to go down the WVDAdmin route to migrate, Marcel mentions in the video that you can only move the session hosts if they were initially rolled out using WVDAdmin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqGsIdFxTs4&t=352


My tenant was all created in powershell so I cannot migrate the session hosts using WVDAdmin 😞



FANTASTIC tool. Just found it last week myself.

Its everything i wish MS would have provided OOB....

Freek is an MVP with the WVD team. His migration steps are definitely valid - this allows you to create new objects and then register the VMs from the non-ARM host pool to the ARM host pool or create new ones. What my team will provide is a slightly different way of migrating - info coming soon.



You can do the migration yourself. Is a bit complicated but it is possible.


Only part im still working on is to migrate the hostpool.


But session can be migrated to a hostpool. Here or the steps.

To move a session host you can:

  • Uninstall the rd agent and bootloader
  • Generate a host registration for your target hostpool
  • Install the rd bootloader and agent with the registration code to join into the other host pool