May 05 2024 05:48 PM
I need to create a word template for a fillable document with pre-outlined sections and structure for quick document creation for each job we do.
The document is a JSA (Job Safety Analysis and set up) the outline of the document will have the following sections
Required Tools and supplies for jobsite"
then have a list of some sort of any and all tools and supplies we have and use so you can pick the items needed for this specific job and it stays structured on the document every time.. example : (5 gal drums, screw driver, shop vac, hammer, etc) so
the next section would be PPE Required
training required (list of various trainings needed for specific job site example : Confined Space entry, LOTO, Fork Lidt, Respiratory,)
engineering controls (supervisor tasks, to dos, processes et
job site hazards
clickable hazards for the following categories with all relevent info for the main hazards and then ability to add new custom hazards
-chemical hazards
(potential hazard, task/steps to do to avoid, consequences of hazard)
-safety hazards
(potential hazard, task/steps to do to avoid, consequences of hazard)
enviromental hazards
(potential hazard, task/steps to do to avoid, consequences of hazard)
Before and end of job tasks
finally it would be saved and renamed and printed for our employees to check off any sections that require checkboxes such as supplies needed then can fill in anything on document during job and be turned in to office once complete.
How can I achieve creating this template and what controls/fields/document properties / form controls etc are required and how to i do it ?
Attached is a sample JSA for reference
May 06 2024 05:00 PM - edited May 06 2024 05:06 PM
For the simplest methods, although not necessarily the most elegant methods, consider saving your separate parts as AutoText or some other Building Blocks.
Then perhaps use one or more Building Blocks Gallery Content Controls would be useful. You can even save such Content Controls as Building Blocks themselves. You would be able to insert such a menu Content Control using the AutoComplete feature of Word.
The absolute simplest method is to have everything in a single document and let people delete what is not needed.
Anything else will require programming and macros. Many environments will not allow use of macros. This will not be simple to design or maintain, but if done well, can be very easy to use.
A simple macro solution may be to use Boiler - Insert a selection of documents by Graham Mayor, MVP .
Beware of using the perfectly good and understandable term "Master" when searching for help about Word. That is likely to lead you to the problematic Master Documents "Feature" in Microsoft Word.
May 08 2024 01:17 AM
May 08 2024 10:53 AM
I'm sorry to tell you that your boss is doing things wrong, at least for Word.
Text boxes in Word can be handy but they are also problematic and can cause document corruption.
I use them for a few things but generally use Frames or other features instead.
Frames and Textboxes in Microsoft Word
It may be that you are not talking about the kind of Text Box that I am talking about. Text boxes cannot extend across multiple pages, nor can Frames. It is possible you are talking about a (single-cell) Table.
You may want to look at this recent question on the Microsoft Answers site and the responses:
How do I make a template letter auto-populate when I check specific paragraphs from a list?
Also, Word has a jargon term "Section" which is different in meaning from the standard English-language meaning of that term. In Word jargon, it indicates a formatting chunk in Word rather than a logical piece of a document.
May 08 2024 11:04 AM
May 08 2024 11:15 AM
Please, read the links I've given you.
This may seem like it should be simple. It is not.
Exact terms are important in communication and Google Docs is not Word.
If you are expected to do this, you need to understand Word.
Here is one more link for you. Start with it.
Basic Concepts of Microsoft Word - from Shauna Kelly
That is a short series of tutorials. Reading it will save you immense time and frustration.
Aug 21 2024 06:55 AM
Aug 21 2024 07:22 AM
Here are things that can be used in Word to approach this without macros:
One or more Building Blocks Gallery Content Controls can be saved as AutoText as well and can be inserted in a document using AutoComplete. A set of such controls could, themselves, be the subject of another Building Blocks Gallery Content Control.
Aug 21 2024 07:39 AM
Aug 21 2024 11:25 AM
Hi Tim,
If you are just starting to dig into Word's capabilities, I strongly recommend spending a little time with this short series of tutorials.
Aug 23 2024 04:37 PM
Hi Charles,
I use Excel quite a lot, I've built basic calculators over the years that I use on all of my work projects, (Architectural Design)
I don't really use Word specifically apart from mainly the specification system I use for work, and small things in general on an almost daily basis,
I don't have a lot of spare time, and I don't need to be more efficient with Word at this stage, I'm already spending my spare time learning other software packages,
I did a computer course a few years ago, I learnt basic macros and a few other things in Word, I can't remember much off the top of my head...
I did start working on this add-in a couple of years ago, and from memory, I got as far getting a tab to add to my toolbar at the top, but never got it functioning for anything,
I finally migrated to my new PC last week, but I'm keeping my old one active until I can sort out this new specification system / add-in
I do need to create this add-in, or alternatively I would pay someone to create it (but I'm not wealthy and the building industry is currently fairly quiet, so not much work / income lately)
I've attached a PDF of a screenshot of what I imagine the Add-in will look something like,
and the heading styles it needs to use to recognise the sections (I already have a hundred or sections I've built over the years, I'd prefer to not have to rebuild or edit them...)
The "update table of contents" button is optional, as long as it does it automatically anyway
Tim Sharp
New Zealand
Aug 23 2024 10:15 PM
Hi Tim,
I'm afraid you've pretty well spelled it out. You are either going to have to devote the time to learn much more about how Word works and do it yourself or hire someone else to do it.
If you want to do it yourself, I suggest you start by reading all of the links that I have given in this thread.
For this particular problem, I would recommend posting on the Word Forum (after you've read those pages) with a clear idea of the purpose of the project and information about what you've tried.
Keep in mind that, in Word, "section" is a description of a part of a document that is followed by a section break. Every word document has at least one. I think that in non-jargon English you mean a logical section, perhaps larger than a paragraph. AutoText and Building Blocks can contain such logical sections (as well as Word section breaks). You can have keyboard shortcuts to them. Please read up on them. Here are some more links: