Windows 11 Dev build Missing Taskbar

Copper Contributor

This has been happening the last month or so. Whenever I turn on my pc the taskbar does not show, I do not have access to the start menu, Windows Update, Windows Defender or my display settings. Im only running one monitor and I get the message "This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action..." Im at a loss of what to do. I've been searching and only found one other person with the same issue as me and no fix mentioned. I've killed explorer.exe and restarted it and that sometimes fixes it. 


I'm currently on the latest dev build of win 11 and all of my drivers are up to date.

My PC specs:

MSI Tomahawk MAX

Ryzen 3600

EVGA RTX 3080 FTW 3 Ultra

Triden z 16gb


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

94 Replies
Only thing is that everything was messing up on me besides the taskbar. I couldnt get into any of my personal settings, display settings, some programs wasnt wanting to even load, entire computer was super slow, chrome wouldnt even work. Its like the new update completely crashed my entire system
Yep. Thats pretty much what they did. And even if you uninstall the last update it doesnt fix it. Some programs wont run at all. Discord for example has to be run thru a browser. But Edge is being fussy about downloading things as well. Cna rely on seeing any drives or downloads. So I dont know how am I going to reimage if I cant even create a USB setup.........
Kudos! You were right, it's the KB5006050 update. So yeah, don't let windows install it lol. I'm back to my phone for the moment, but at l can toubleshoot with y'all.

The direct download iso is just the full Windows 11 installation. You can run it and try to use the recovery options, but you might only be able to use them booting from a USB with the ISO mounted. Also that particular file only works on x64 processors. Check the other link to see all the options. No worries about messing anything up just by running it, as long as you don't start and confirm a reset, you're good.
Which win 11 version did that beta channel install with?

I've been having limited success getting explorer open by force stopping the Shell Infrastructure Host, then restarting explorer from task manager.
Still no taskbar yet though
Discord wouldnt even work for me either. Like I said in a previous reply, I had to do a system recovery back to august 28th and BOOM, everything was fixed
You are gonna have to do what I did and do a system recovery to a earlier date that will remove the current update. Its extremely bugged
Yeah, that's the best restore option if you have the restore point already saved. Looks like update 22000.176 on the beta channel has the same problem issues.
Thankfully I was able to fix mine by system restore to date 08/27/21 and afterwards paused windows updates.
Just keep in mind that you will have to redo it in 7 days, Start then stop again unless u get lucky and it asks to restart/shutdown with update. If it does, dont do the shutdown with update
This is interesting.... I went back to the lockscreen (Win + L) then switched users to another user I already had loaded on. I got the quick "Setting up your desktop" experience and everything actually works perfect just on that user. So the main user gets screwed for some reason. So instead of wiping Windows as a last resort, one could jump into recovery mode, open cmd, create a new user, then log in as the user to do whatever (System restore, reset, go back to Win 10, roll back updates, etc.)
As I expected.
I tried creating a new user but couldn't be done anymore.
This Is why I always had a repair user account.
You couldn't create a user account from the F11 (At startup) recovery environment?
No I tried everything.
It was all messed up.
pretty sure as a serious bug as this is, that they hopefully found a fix by then. they gave an update on twitter that they're investigating the issue.
Thank you for the info.
I personally don't use Twitter so I'm glad to hear that they're busy with it .
Thats good. At least they are on it. Hope they shut down the recent update so no one else updates it
Just wanted to chime in that I'm having the same issue too. Will try solutions mentioned above and will report back if something other than restore or reinstall works
They updated the insider build pages on the website as well. Hopefully now that many more people are having this problem, they will actually get a quick patch out.