How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

Bronze Contributor

How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

1,321 Replies

"Build 23419 introduces new USB4 Settings page, LKD creation in Task Manager, more.." 

Never combine taskbar buttons? NO!

@rafagricola Hi,

Can you explain to everyone - how USB4, and LKD relate to the -> topic of this thread?

I don't think that's the case!

means that microsoft keeps improving W11 but doesn't add the option "Never combine taskbar buttons".


Yes - that's exactly how it is, I tried to explain it before, but I was (the bad guy who gives negative information), but the truth is that Microsoft disabled this feature and does not return to this topic!

This will be of limited help, but if you are using multiple screens, you can *sort of* achieve this by having windows only appear on the taskbar on the display where they are open.

Personalization > Taskbar > Taskbar behaviours > When using multiple displays, show my taskbar apps on...
Select "Taskbar where window is open" (or, to some extent, "Main taskbar and taskbar where window is open").

*If* you're happy working across different screens, and if you have no more than one window per screen, you'll have clawed back some semblance of sanity.

Just another baffling step by Microsoft. Why keep taking away what are very obviously desired features? We hate your "improvements" enough as it is.
Who are the Microsoft people responsible for this change? I am curious about their reasoning for removing the ability for people to "never combine taskbar buttons" ... were they solely looking to make Windows users less productive (as that is what this change does, it makes users less productive) or what was their goal?

Who are the MS employees responsible for this change?
I've had things set up that way since I did my initial configuration after my downgrade to Win11 (I had to for specific cloud compatibility). I have multiple instances of multiple things open all the time and I bounce all over, so it feels kind of cruel to have to go and search around for what I'm looking for. What's most important are the LABELS identifying what each window is.

I think it would be awesome if they brought this back but also added a separate scaler just for the taskbar. They broke the ability to change the size, as well.
I hate that Microsoft has made a universal decision to take this option away from the end-user. I don't care about how multiple entries of the same application (different files) on the task bar may look cluttered. All I know is that the separation of different files enable me to work much more efficiently. Not having the option to "never combine" is a serious flaw in Windows 11
I suspect it was marketing letting the developers off the hook. Lazy developers? Bad sales and marketing? They cut corners to get it out and now it can't get back on the priority list.
And they probably went through a lot of user testing and misunderstood the results, thinking users who matter won't care.

To fix this, everyone who comes here needs to hit the LIKE BUTTON on everyone who made a comment. VOTE VOTE VOTE! Please?
Your last point is extremely important. We need more "likes" in this thread. We need to get this elevated.
And in the techradar article, it mentions never combine as a "feature"! Feature??? No. Never combine was NORMAL. The combine OPTION was a FEATURE.
Put it back the way it was. FIX IT!
How did this guy develop this much great stuff for this problem and Microsoft could NOT? The old microsoft that I knew under Gates? He would just made this guy rich so he could go live on a beach and think up more stuff, he woulda bought the thing lock stock and barrel, and then had his idiots add it in NOW.

Reminder, please put likes on EVERYTHING in this thread to increase the visibility of this problem.
I totally agree with this post, but want to point out that NOT COMBINING taskbar buttons was NOT a feature. It was the default. The ability to combine the buttons is the "feature". Microsoft should have looked at their own data to see that power users DO NOT COMBINE.
So at the time of writing this there are 283k views, 586 Likes, and 1,053 replies to this change in standard (notice I don't call it a feature!, this was the standard not a feature). Yet nothing has been done since July 2021. Yet I seem to get almost weekly updates from MS on other stuff, most of which does nothing productive (like recently changing my tabs in excel to rounded instead of sharp corners). These frequent changes and changes to look/appearance and sometimes functionality are frustrating. It is increasingly frustrating as standard features like do not combine are taken away which significantly decrease my productivity EVERY DAY! I'm due for a new computer in about a year, if things don't improve I'm going to seriously consider an Apple as all the benefits I have loved about MS over the last 30 years are quickly eroding.
That's such a good way of framing it - quite right.
We must hammer them from every vantage point we can find:

Interesting that this post was delayed, because of a warning that I'm Post Flooding:
Correct the highlighted errors and try again.
Post flooding detected (user tried to post more than 4 messages within 900 seconds)

hahaha, and again... look at this one:
Correct the highlighted errors and try again.
Post flooding detected (user tried to post more than 8 messages within 14,400 seconds)

That's 4 hours after the calculations, but I suspect after the 4 hours is up there will be another constraint.

Nice going Microsoft. Great use of units. Let's remember we like to post speeds in Furlongs/Fortnight. Geezzzzzzz...

Let's try again to post this.

ok, now this error:
Authentication Failed.

Authentication Ticket Mismatched, failed authentication.

ok, that took hours. Nothing is easy when trying to complain about the loss of a very important default behavior that we need back!
I read that entire blog post referenced in your last link, but I see nothing there about never combine. Would you mind going back and then showing me what that meant?
We are simply confused about why something that we all liked and that worked perfectly fine has disappeared with no explanation. Why should we have to find 3rd party solutions to get what we always had?
Exactly. Ridiculous. Give it back to us.