How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

Bronze Contributor

How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

1,318 Replies
I've just upgraded to 11 and am not surprised that MS requires me to do 2 things where I needed only to do 1 in a previous version. PLEASE allow "never combine taskbar buttons" in Windows 11 URGENTLY.
Please, please, please Microsoft... Bring the "never combine taskbar buttons" option back!
The new taskbar is absolutely unusable without that option!

Yes! It's unproductive!@huali1405 

Wastes 3 seconds for every task change, so in all about at least 1 hour of daily productivity, plus the frustration & negative experience.
MS should bring this feature back ASAP.
I need it. It is unproductive!

Please bring back never combine option. It's not possible to multitask without this option.

it is as necessary as snow day calcualtor  for students who check snowy day to get holidays.

I wish they have never done it, it was so convenient
Microsoft please pull your finger out and re-enable this option in Windows 11, this one issue has made using Windows 11 a pure annoyance and if I had a way back to using Windows 10 I would take it in a heartbeat.

Different taskbars in Windows 11.





seriously this is a bs feature the worst update ever screw you windows team.



This is ridiculous. Microsoft, you forced an update on my computer then made a change I have worked to avoid since you first rolled it out without the Never Combine option. This makes the computer less functional for me and was done without my actual consent (adhesion contracts aside). I am NOT pleased.

The new Start Menu brings everything closer to the centre of the screen, meaning far less travel over large areas to achieve simple tasks. The whole essence of Windows 11 is to focus on what is important rather than be distracted by rolling live tiles of information. The Widgets have been moved out of the way. The new Start Menu acts more like a tablet or phone screen - which is "naturally familiar" to most people. Please remember although it is an update to Windows 10, Windows 11 was built from the ground up. Features such as folders and more flexibility in the Start Menu are being introduced and as we all contribute more to this forum other improvements will be made. We cannot go back to Windows XP, although I do miss the perfection of Windows on PC AND tablet, with Windows Mobile on phone and Cortana linking it all together. Even Apple copied Windows Live Tiles introducing Widgets to iPhones and iPad tablets after Windows Mobile died.

@Graham-STMC not to sure what you are talking about. All we are all asking for is never combine back as an option, nothing else. Doesn’t impact the design of win 11 for anyone at all. 

Are you on the Dev or Beta channel of the Insider Program? It's coming back. In testing at the moment.

@Graham-STMC I'm not sure what your point is but as a professional trying to use a PC I don't want or need it to be "familiar like a phone", i need it to work like a PC. The lack of an option to not combine task bar icons for users with multiple instances of applications running is a major retrograde step from the previous version since it makes trying to use Windows far more inefficient. There's no good reason,  either technical or design,  to have removed this as an option.

Hi @Graham-STMC 

"Are you on the Dev or Beta channel of the Insider Program? It's coming back. In testing at the moment."

Please tell everyone in which channel Insider -> and in what build (returns this function)!

From what I know the image of Windows11 - in this regard is not improved, but maybe you have better news?

Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25252 | Windows Insider Blog

This is the latest version of Dev. Is there this feature?

@huali1405 Same problem here. Why on earth would anybody think it's better to REMOVE an option? I used to be able to tell at a glance what I had open on Windows 10, now it's a pain to see what's open and what isn't. I'm sure I'll leave something open by mistake, which will be a nuisance as I have networked computers sometimes using the same files. If some people prefer their icons grouped, give us the option to choose! This shouldn't be called an upgrade, it should be called a downgrade.

Any news on that @Pernille-Eskebo? It's the single most annoying change in Win11
I agree. This needs to be brought back ASAP.
The funny thing is that MS is whining about people aren't using Windows 11. They doesn't fix this which would make LOTS of people install Windows 11, but they DON' they took a big step back and literally f*cked their own faces... *ssholes...