New Microsoft Teams app generally available on Windows 365


We are happy to announce the general availability of the new Microsoft Teams app on Windows 365.

Microsoft Teams is one of the core Microsoft 365 applications used with Windows 365. Users and admins can now experience and enjoy all the benefits of the new Teams app within their Cloud PCs. The new Teams App not only offers the features of the classic Teams app, but offers improved performance, reliability, and security.

Moving forward, new features and capabilities as well as enhancements to existing features will be available exclusively in the new Teams app.

The classic Teams app will reach end of support on June 30, 2024, after which users will not be able to use classic Teams and will be asked to switch to the new Teams app. Therefore, we recommend that you update to the new Teams today.

Note: New Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) in Microsoft 365 Government clouds (GCC, GCC-H, DoD) will be rolled out at a later date.

For more information on upgrading to the new Teams App, see Upgrade to new Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and the Microsoft Teams blog.

Set up Microsoft Teams on Windows 365

New to Windows 365? Refer to the Teams on Windows 365 documentation for details on how to set up Microsoft Teams for your Cloud PCs.

Set up Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop

The new Microsoft Teams app is also available for Azure Virtual Desktop. See today’s announcement for more details and refer to the Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop documentation for guidance on setup.

2 Replies
Does this version finally solve the Teams screen sharing "black screen" issue so many folks are complaining about since 2020?
Hello - No, this will not solve the Teams screen issue.