Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Dual monitor and dual desktop multiple wallpapers problem

Copper Contributor

Hello there,

I wanted to add more attention about a bug that is seems to be know, but not yet corrected.

I'm talking about issues from here and here


The problem:
 - If you have x monitors with only 1 virtual desktop: in the wallpaper options, right click you can send the image to either monitors you have (ie: set for monitor 1 / set for monitor 2 ...etc)
 - If you have x monitors with y virtual desktops enabled: the option just vanished. You can now with the right click only define one wallpaper by virtual desktop (ie: set for all / set for desktop 1 / set for desktop 2)

Did you have a bypass for this bug? Is it taken into account somewhere to be treated?

Currently the only solution is to kill every vd, then change wallpaper for each monitors, and finally create back new vd.

Thanks for reading.

3 Replies
I've had the same behaviour, though not even sure whether to call it a bug or a design issue. Could do with a more proper wallpaper utility where you can see a mini-grid of all monitors in a row, then each virtual desktop on subsequent rows so you can pick wallpapers for each if you so desire, or entire rows or columns.
Totally agree with that.
The only "bypass" right now is to delete every virtual desktop except one > change wallpapers on each screen > make new virtual desktop.

So it lets you only 2 choices:
- You can have different wallpapers on each VD but il will be the same on every monitor.
- You can have on each monitors a different wallpaper, but this configuration will be the same for all VD

So we are waiting for a way that you can configure each VD individually, and set a pair (or more) of wallpapers depending on the numbers of monitors.

If you have this configuration: 2 monitors (1 and 2) with 2 VD (A and B) you can:
- Either having wallpaper1 on monitor1 and 2 on VDA AND wallpaper2 on monitor1 and 2 on VDB
- OR having wallpaper1 on monitor 1 AND wallpaper 2 on monitor2 ON VDA and VDB

What is missing:
- Having wallpaper1 on monitor1 on VDA
- wallpaper2 on monitor2 on VDA
- wallpaper3 on monitor1 on VDB
- wallpaper4 on monitor2 on VDB
Same problem, no solution 😞