Troubles installing Win10

Copper Contributor

Hello, not sure if this is the correct place to post it, but here goes.

I am trying to install windows 10 on my PC, (which recently had a complete refresh done)..

I am using a USB installation, which completes just fine, but as it reboots to finish it off, I get to the screen with the blue windows flag logo and the circulating balls, reading 'preparing...'

(Loosely translated as it is in Danish, "klargører")

Then the balls stop spinning, indicating it has frozen..  I've had it stand like this for over 2 hours without anything happening..


I've tried to redo the installation many times now and it happens everytime.. What do I do?

1 Reply

Please specify the complete specification of your pc and the app you are using to making a bootable usb drive  @Torasha